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Drake (Men of Versteck Valley Book 3) Page 13

  She looked as if she would rather be strapped into a dentist chair, but she walked over, pasted a smile on her face and waited.

  The old man placed an arm around Betty’s shoulder and pulled her close surprising the woman. “Betty, this is my daughter Faith and Drake her guy. Faith, Drake, this is Betty. She picked me up and brought me to the hospital. She’s a good friend from way back.” He squeezed Betty’s shoulder.

  When Betty looked up at him a genuine smile graced her face. This woman had it bad for Mr. Gardner.

  Drake nodded. “Nice to meet you.”

  Faith spoke a few moments later. “Betty I’m so glad you’re here and that you’ve been here for Daddy. Thank you so much.” The sincerity in her voice affected both her father and Betty. The woman’s face softened.

  “Jerry and I were good friends in high school. It’s no trouble at all helping when he needs it,” Betty said appearing more relaxed.

  Faith touched Betty’s shoulder. “Good, I’d like to talk more after I see Alex if you’re still here.”

  Betty looked up at Mr. Gardner who hadn’t released her. “I’ll be here until Jerry’s ready to go.”

  Faith nodded, looked over her shoulder at Drake, and walked toward her brother’s room. Since her father’s call, Faith hadn’t talked much, and when she did, it was to blame herself for what happened. Seeing her fall apart and her eyes dim with self-loathing got to him. She seemed uncertain and followed his suggestions to the letter with no discussion.

  Granted, he and Asher wanted her cooperation but not this total submission. Faith was smart, intuitive, and they needed her opinions for the job to work. Asher believed her new attitude was a temporary setback and cautioned Drake to be patient. Faith had to grieve over her actions. The question was for how long?

  Her father and Betty remained outside allowing her some privacy. Inside Alex’s room, Faith walked cautiously to the bed and lightly touched the sheet. Drake leaned against the door in the shadows to watch.

  “Alex?” she whispered. Faith’s hand flew to her mouth as she got a better look.

  Slowly the young man turned and opened one eye. Drake moved to the side so he could see better. Alex’s face was the size of a small melon. Shaved parts of his head held bandages. His arm was in a sling.

  “Faith,” Alex whispered.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I should have …Asher told me, but I didn’t think, didn’t believe anything would happen. I should’ve kept you and daddy safe. Please forgive me. I’m sorry,” she sobbed, shaking.

  “They…,” Alex said, and it was apparent it hurt to talk. “Be...careful.”

  “Never mind that. I’m sooo sorry, Alex. Do you need pain medication or anything? Ice chips?” Her hands moved from her brother to the ice bucket to the sheet on the bed as if they had no direction while tears streamed down her cheeks.

  Drake moved toward her and pulled her close. Shaking from the force of her tears, Faith burrowed her face into his chest.

  Alex watched him for a few moments, his gaze flicked down to Drake’s holstered gun and back to his face. “Boyfriend?”

  Sure, why not? Drake nodded.

  “Watch…over...her,” Alex whispered.

  “Will do. I’m leaving men here to watch over you and your father until Faith’s case is over.” Drake paused. “What did they ask you?”

  Faith tensed and looked up at him. He read the rebellion and outrage in her gaze, but she remained silent. Well, her stint at letting him lead hadn’t lasted long. He was glad to see a fire in her gaze again.

  “Woman…missing. Information hidden…where?” Alex wet his swollen lips as he closed his eye. “They want…. Information,” he whispered.

  Faith’s tears wet the front of his shirt. She shuddered at her brother’s words.

  “Dangerous…” Alex finished.

  “How many?” Drake ignored the pinch Faith gave his arm and held her hand still.

  “Two…maybe three. Big white…guys.” He swallowed hard. “Snatched…”

  “They snatched you off the street?” Drake said.


  “What time of day did they snatch you?” Drake asked.


  “In a car? A van? Truck? Did you see it or where they took you?” Drake pressed.

  “Van... Blue... Circled…Hotel or house…living room.” Alex grimaced.

  “Do you need something for pain?” Faith jumped in. “I’ll get the nurse.” She moved from Drake.

  “Not…yet.” It was obvious Alex was in horrendous pain, and every word cost him, but he continued. “Nice…furniture…basement.”

  “They took you to the basement of a house with nice furniture?” Drake asked.


  “Where were you when they snatched you?” Drake asked as he pulled out his phone to record the conversation, something he should’ve done when Alex first spoke.


  “Archer Road is a few blocks from the house,” Faith said touching her brother’s arm. “They were too close, too close and I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

  “Can you remember how long you were in the van?” Drake asked moving to the other side of the bed, lowering his phone to the same level as Alex’s mouth.


  “Did they give you drugs or anything?” Faith asked.

  Drake looked across the bed at her, she ignored him.


  “Was there anything about the men who snatched you that you remember?” Drake asked.

  For several seconds Alex remained silent. “Mean…determined…face…covered.”

  Drake moved from the bed and walked to the corner of the room to record everything Alex told them.

  “I’ll get the nurse,” Faith said moving toward the door.

  “Call her from here,” Drake countered, stopping her from leaving the room. Their gazes clashed. “I don’t want to leave him alone, and if you leave the room, I’m leaving.”

  She huffed, turned and searched for the nurse call button near the bed.

  “Yes?” a voice said over the intercom.

  “My brother’s in pain, can you give him something?”

  “One moment.”

  Faith gently touched Alex’s battered face, bent over, and kissed his cheek. “Forgive me,” she whispered.

  The door opened, and a nurse walked in. Faith stepped aside to allow the woman to inject medication into the IV. “That should help. Rest is what he really needs,” the nurse said without looking at them as she left the room.

  Moments later, Alex’s breathing normalized. “Faith?”

  “I’m here.” She leaned forward, near his face.

  Drake moved to the other side of the bed so he could hear as well.


  She frowned. “What?”

  “They said…back-off…or…daddy…”

  Faith gasped and covered her mouth before running to the bathroom and releasing the contents of her stomach.

  “They said for her to back off what? Looking for the missing woman?” Drake asked.


  “Back off working this case?” Drake pressed.


  “Back off what?” Drake had no idea what prompted the threat.

  “Secrets…something…secrets.” Alex shook his head slightly. “Daddy…next.”

  Drake heard Faith dry heaving and sent Asher a text. Somehow they would need to convince Mr. Gardner to move in with Faith or head over to Versteck. Neither would make the old man happy, and he needed Faith onboard.


  Faith’s head and heart hurt in ways she never experienced. Guilt rode her hard. Why hadn’t she allowed Asher to send the men to watch over her father and brother? Pride? No. She didn’t want them involved and believed if she told them about the case they’d want to help.

  Hindsight wasn’t her friend. She messed up, and her father
and brother would pay the price. Drake was right. They needed to move her father and brother to her place. She would rest better knowing they were safe.

  “No. I’m not going anywhere,” her father said. “Do what you need to do, but I’m not allowing anyone to run me from my home. I won’t die before my time no matter what anyone thinks.” He crossed his arms over his chest and sat back in the uncomfortable hospital chair with his mouth set in a straight line. Over the years, Faith had seen her father take this position when he refused to change his mind over something and lost hope that she would persuade him.

  “We can’t guarantee Betty will be safe,” Drake said into the silence.

  Her father’s gaze snapped to Drake. “What foolish talk are you saying? What’s Betty to do with anything?”

  “Alex said they’re coming for you next. My men will stick to you and Alex like glue until the case is solved. If the people who attacked Alex cannot get you, they’ll get someone who will make you come to them,” Drake said.

  Her father pursed his lips, uncrossed his arms and looked down at his thighs.

  Surprised by the change and ready to hug Drake for his brilliant strategy, Faith looked at her dad. “What do you say? Will you come home with me? Just until this mess is over?”

  “No. I said I’m not moving from my house and I meant it. Alex will recover at home. We’ll be careful and grateful for the assistance from your man, here. As for Betty, she’ll just need to move in with me until everything is done and over.” His slight smile clearly said he looked forward to Betty being around more.

  Faith stared at him a few moments and threw up her hands. Short of kidnapping him and Alex she couldn’t make him go.

  “One question,” her father said.

  She looked at him.

  “You apologized for not warning your brother and me. Does that mean you knew this would happen? Could happen?” His voice dripped with disappointment.

  Faith swallowed hard as water filled her eyes again. “I was advised by the security experts to allow them to send a team to protect you and Alex. I didn’t believe the threat was bad enough to impact you. I wanted a chance to explain before sending them here. Alex was attacked before I called.”

  “When did you plan to call?” her father asked. “You were here yesterday. Either you knew before you left or last night. You had all day to call, but you didn’t, why?”

  How could she tell him she had pushed the dangers of this case to the back of her mind to keep it from being real? Would he understand her fear? It took every ounce of courage to be Francesca’s attorney in the face of the danger. She was a coward trying to be strong, and it cost her brother big-time.

  “I don’t know, Daddy. I’m sorry. I don’t have an excuse. I meant to do it but I…the day got away from me. You have no idea how sorry I am and if I could replay this day, I would make that call. Have that conversation.”

  He looked at her a few moments, stood and walked away without another word. Faith sat in the chair with her arms wrapped tightly around her waist and head dropped. She had messed up. Asher was the expert. Why hadn’t she listened?

  “Faith?” Drake called from the door.

  She wiped the tears from her face and looked up at him.

  “We need to get moving.”

  “I’m staying here until Alex is released.”

  “You can’t. It’s too dangerous. We don’t have security measures in place here. You’re the actual target, not your family. As long as you’re here the chances of a skirmish increases,” he said.

  “I’m staying here with Alex, Drake. He’s here because of me.”

  “He’s here because you refuse to listen to the advice of people with experience dealing with these situations. You don’t know what’s best or how the games are played or how to win. This isn’t a courtroom, it’s not your venue,” he snapped. “You cannot stay here.”

  Hurt by the truth, she swallowed her pride and misplaced guilt and atonement. “You’re right. I know that. But I feel guilty about this.”

  “Staying here isn’t going to change that. Once we find your client and the case is closed, take your family on a cruise or to the beach or someplace. In the meantime, stay alive,” he said in a low, harsh whisper.

  She nodded and stood. “It’s almost sunrise.”

  “I’m aware,” he said looking down at her.

  “You’re not a morning person, are you?” she grumbled. Up until now she thought he was easy going and laid back, however, she quickly learned he wasn’t a push-over.

  “Some mornings are better than others,” he said a few moments later. “The plane is waiting for us. Asher sent his flight crew.”

  Faith wasn’t sure why but nodded. “I’ll say goodbye, and we can leave.” She paused at the door. “Think he’ll ever forgive me?” she asked over her shoulder without turning around.

  “Yes, he loves you. Give him time to think it through, he’ll understand you had his best interests in mind,” Drake said as he opened the door and followed her into the hall.

  Alex and Betty were asleep in Alex’s room. Her father allowed her to kiss his cheek in the hall before saying goodbye and promising to call later.

  In the elevator, two men stood in front of her and Drake and two behind them. As they exited into the lobby, they continued toward a side door. Faith saw Paul and Franco in a black SUV and relaxed. Her eyes were gritty from crying and a lack of rest. The flight home was under an hour, she planned to sleep the moment she saw her bed. She had sent Zelda a message regarding her brother and that she wouldn’t be in today.

  They entered the SUV in silence. Paul followed another dark SUV, and another was behind them. Three cars headed toward the jetport.

  “Roof activity?” Drake asked.

  “Front building,” Franco said.

  “How many?”

  “Two.” Franco held up two fingers.

  “Vehicles?” Drake asked pulling out pistols from his holster.

  “One so far. Asher believes there will be another before we reach the jetport,” Franco said.

  Faith sat in shock at the sounds of weapons being checked and the sight of so many guns. “What’s going on?”

  “The men who attacked Alex have been waiting for us to leave the hospital. They watched us arrive last night, took stock of how many men we arrived with and plan to attack us this morning,” Drake said without looking at her.

  Her heart jumped in her throat as she covered it with her hand. “What?” She spun around to look out the window. “They’re here? Have been here all along?”

  “Yes. They attacked Alex to get you to come here.” He made it sound as if it was obvious and in a way it was. Alex had said as much.

  This case was turning into a circus. A deadly circus. Faith edged away from the guns toward the door.

  “Not there, get on the floor,” Drake said without looking at her as if preparing for a gun battle was the same as a Sunday stroll.

  “Floor?” she squeaked looking down and then at him.

  He nodded and pointed.

  Unable to speak around the solid ball of fear in her throat, Faith crawled down and laid on the floor.

  “I’m going to cover you with this tarp in case glass, or debris is flying,” Drake said in that calm voice.

  She nodded. And the world went dark as the fabric draped over her. Praying like her life depended on it, Faith called Jesus, God and the angels to protect them, her father and brother. Nothing like a life or death crisis to remind a person of their spiritual roots.

  Drake leaned back and watched the road. The men on the roof had been taken out allowing them to leave the hospital grounds without casualties. It’d be nice to make it back to Faith’s home with that same report, but Drake doubted it. Whoever was out to stop Faith had several hours to amass a large team and position themselves strategically. Now it was a matter of who had the best soldiers working their plan.

  “Upfront,” Franco said as a car pulled from the shoulder ont
o the road in front of the first car. The car in front of them shot forward coming bumper to bumper with the car with three armed men. Paul pressed the accelerator, they zipped ahead of both cars

  “Heavy packing,” Franco said pulling out his weapon and fired. The car with the three men swerved and ran off the road. Another car sped up trying to pass them. Paul pulled the car hard to the left to cut them off.

  Shots were fired.

  Drake ducked. The rear window blew out as three men on motorcycles wove in and out coming alongside. Drake zeroed in on one and pulled the trigger. The man flew backward just as Franco shot another one. The third motorcycle dropped back.

  “How much further to the jetport?” Drake asked brushing glass from his arm onto the seat.

  “Few more miles. Lots of places for a confrontation between here and there,” Paul said, his voice steady as he pressed the gas pedal. “Will we have an overhead escort?”

  “Possibly.” Asher hadn’t mentioned it, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen. Rather than depend on that, Drake opened a case with his high-powered rifle. Now that they were away from homes, he would use it.

  “Cycles coming up,” Franco said. More shots were fired. The car behind them swerved and spun as the tires blew. Drake cursed and made a mental note to check on the men in the car.

  “That’s low and cheap,” Franco muttered before taking a few shots. He hit two more and aimed for a third.

  “Let them get a little closer,” Drake said aiming out the blown back window. Steady…steady…he fired the semi-automatic, the bikes flew in the air along with their riders or skidded to the side rolling several times before stopping.

  “Love those big guns,” Franco said with admiration.

  “You alright, Faith?” Drake asked.

  “Yes.” Her word sounded muffled but she was alive, and that was the job.

  “Roadblock ahead,” Paul said.

  “Do we have to stop?” Drake asked trying to see around the six flatbed trucks stacked one behind the other, blocking the road and shoulder.

  “We can ram into them and die instantly,” Paul said.

  “Forget that. Pull over and have the front car fall back. Have them check on our people in the other car with the blown tire. I want everyone on that plane.” Drake opened another case and assembled the RPG, rocket propelled grenade Asher had sent. It would definitely clear the road. He stepped out with the door as a temporary shield. After aiming at the two trucks filling most of the road, he released it.