Drake (Men of Versteck Valley Book 3) Read online

Page 14

  The grenade exploded on contact, destroying both trucks as if they were plastic toys, opening a wide hole in the middle of the road for them to drive through. Pieces of the truck and rubble flew everywhere. Glass, metal, and debris covered the ground. Smoke curled from the remains of the destroyed trucks in the distance. Weird particles floated in the air.

  Once the dust cleared, Drake covered his mouth with his hand, pulled out his gun and shot out the tires of the trucks that didn’t take a direct hit.

  Men moaned and yelled.

  Drake saw movement as the men from the trucks tried to run away from the burning mass. “Repack this,” Drake gave the RPG to Paul as he pulled out his Glock and ran to the first car.

  “Everyone alright in here?” he asked his team.

  “Jerry took a hit when a piece of metal hit that side of the car but he should be alright. Good thing we stopped this far away. I’m sure those closer took direct hits from the metal and glass,” the driver said.

  “Let’s learn who’s behind this and clear the road so we can drive through,” Drake said moving forward.

  Armed, they stepped out of the car and spread out. Slowly Drake and the others advanced, leaving Franco and Paul to watch Faith who probably fainted when she heard the launcher.

  Drake waved for the men to go right while he crouched and ran forward. The moans and curses grew louder. The injured men called him all kinds of uncomplimentary names, crazy, stupid, were followed by worse descriptions of his ancestry and anatomy.

  He stepped behind an injured man and placed the barrel of his gun to his temple. “Easy, Partner,” Drake drawled.

  The man appeared to be in his late 20’s early 30’s. Blood ran freely from his forehead down to his chest. His right hand was charred and possibly missing a finger. A piece of metal was embedded in his thigh. It was a miracle he had the energy to continue cursing Drake.

  “Why the roadblock, Partner?” Drake asked as he squatted near the man. His gaze swept the area as heat from the explosion caused sweat to run down his back. Sounds of his team clearing the road reached him. Drake pressed the barrel harder. “Times wastin’, answer my question.”

  “To stop you why else?”

  “Why? We’re law abiding citizens like everyone else and have the right to use the highways,” Drake said standing as Paul drove their car through. Faith’s wide-eyed stare met his and flicked downward.

  Drake cursed. “Why stop us?” Drake pressed as the second car drove past.

  “To get the woman, you know that,” the man growled. “Shoot me for god sake. I’m dying anyway.”

  Drake picked up the man’s weapon and tossed it a good distance down the road. “Can’t do that, it’s illegal.”

  “So is using whatever that was,” the man grumbled.

  “What were you going to do with the woman?” Drake ignored the comment about the launcher and watched his team return to the vehicles.

  “Take her to a pickup point. Don’t know where not until we had her,” he said rolling onto his side.

  “Did you have anything to do with the kid in town?” Drake asked as he walked off.

  “What? Wait, don’t leave me here like this. Finish the job…” the man yelled.

  Drake didn’t respond. Instead, he moved quickly to the car and motioned for Faith to get down. She pointed, and Drake ducked, missing a hit from the man rolling on the ground in front of him. How did they miss this guy?

  Moving quickly, Drake grabbed his attacker by the shirt, pulled him up and punched the much larger man in the face. The man hit the ground, shook his head as if he’d been slapped and not punched before rolling to the side.

  Drake shook the pain from his hand. That sucker’s head felt like concrete. Drake ducked the next punch but wasn’t as lucky on the next. Air flew from his belly as the hit connected to his abdomen and then the side of his face. Drake hit the ground, landing on sharp debris from the explosion in his head.

  Pain ignited like fire bursts all over his body.

  Blood spread on his shirt, arms, and pants. Rolling, he missed the stomp aimed at his head and caught the foot on the next try. Twisting hard, he flipped his attacker to the ground. The sound of flesh hitting metal and glass gave Drake some satisfaction. He stood before his attacker reached his knees. Lacerations bloomed all over his attacker’s face, chest, arms, and legs.

  Unsteady, Drake took a step in the direction of his opponent, saw the glint of the blade and threw his weight into a kick that landed just above his attacker’s hand. The knife clattered to the ground as the man screamed and held his arm.

  Sore and in severe pain, Drake kicked the man beneath the chin, causing him to fall back onto metal debris. He didn’t move.

  Turning, Drake headed for the car, slid inside and waved for Paul to drive. The sooner he got on the plane, the better. The heavy artillery would return to Versteck with the flight crew and be locked away, the other weapons he had a license for. Laura and Asher would handle the legal fallout. Right now, he wanted something for pain.

  Faith stared at him several moments. “I missed that class in law school.”

  He had forgotten she watched from the car. “Ass-kicking 101 is a must for every first-year law student,” Drake drawled before leaning back against the seat and closing his eyes.


  When Faith woke later that day, the sun had set. Sounds from the television came from the living room, and something smelled good. Faith stretched. Her hand landed on a wide solid chest.

  She jerked as if burned, removed her arm and stared at the bandages and bruises on Drake’s mottled skin. Memories from earlier flooded her mind as she stared at him. He’d been in a tough fight and gotten hurt to keep her safe. Her heart softened as she continued staring at him.

  Drake had used some sort of cannon or powerful weapon she was sure was illegal. Gunshots, yells, screams and piteous sounds had drawn her from her hiding place in the car. Fire, smoke, and wreckage had littered the road and shoulder. Paul drove down the road, and she saw the damage first hand. Just thinking about the smells and blood made her stomach roll.

  And then that guy came at Drake from behind. She had seen him separate from the fog like some kind of phantom and tried to warn Drake. His reflexes had been spot on, and he avoided a blow that could’ve done a lot of damage.

  Faith had never seen a real, up-close, someone could die, fight before. It was nothing like the movies with staged actors dancing around. No, the deadly look in Drakes' eyes and whoever attacked him was lethal. Only one of them would walk away in the end.

  Unable to move or speak or think, her heart had reacted to each blow Drake received and it dawned on her she really cared about him. Seeing him take those hits hurt. She hadn’t known what to think or do with her emotions.

  No one in the car spoke. When Drake hit the ground, tension spread between her, Paul, and Franco. She prayed he got up and won so they could leave. Seeing his bruises up close once he returned to the car had bothered her more than she could admit. Those men had been after her, and he’d stopped them. She wasn’t sure what to say. Thank you seemed so lightweight. Instead of dealing with that emotional land-mine she had peppered him with questions during the flight.

  Weren’t they afraid the cops would come? Why hadn’t anyone called 911 to help those men on the road? How would that whole situation be explained?

  For every question, he complained that he hurt everywhere, and insisted they use the first aid kit and bandage him. By the time they reached the house her entire focus had been on him and his bruises.

  Rested, she realized he played the game well and silently gave him kudos for keeping her distracted, not only from what happened to her brother but also the very real attack on the road.

  Her fingertip hovered over a loose bandage.

  He opened his eyes, his gaze captured hers. For several moments neither spoke. Drake had mastered the art of silence and probably wouldn’t say anything until she did.

; “Can you explain to me why we’re in bed together?” she asked to cover her embarrassment at being caught watching him.

  He placed an arm beneath his head, his bicep bulged as he gave her a boyish grin. “Something about wanting to make sure I was alright while I rested. You’re supposed to watch over me, not sleep.”

  Heat filled her cheeks as she remembered. “No way I said that, not as tired as I was.”

  He laughed, and it was a good warm sound. “Since we were both exhausted, I’ll let that pass. How’re you feeling? Better? Rested?”

  Was he asking if she forgave herself for what happened to Alex? It’d be years before she did that. “Rested and hungry. I smell food.” She moved but he caught her hand, and she looked at him.

  “You promised me a kiss when I woke up if I went to sleep,” he said, his eyes glowing in anticipation.

  Her heart slammed against her chest as her core throbbed. “What?” She forced a laugh but couldn’t take her eyes from his lips. The bottom one was slightly larger, plumper than the top.

  He pulled her back to him until their lips touched. “You promised me a kiss and I couldn’t half-sleep thinking about it. About this.” He brushed his lips against hers. “They are as soft as they look.”

  Faith wrapped her arms around his neck and sank into the kiss. Had she promised him a kiss? Hell if she knew. His mouth was warm, his lips soft and sweet. They broke apart gently. Her gaze locked onto his lips. Hungry for more, she placed small kisses onto his mouth until he pulled her tight.

  Goosebumps exploded across her arms and swam across her chest. She drowned in his masculine scent that held a pinch of antiseptic from his wounds. Strong arms, oh how she missed being held by a man like this, kept her in place as if he didn’t want her to leave.

  Their tongues danced until he captured hers as he had captured her attention and reluctantly released it. Breathing hard and uncertain what to say, she lay her forehead on his chin. Could he tell her core throbbed, begging to be filled and stroked? Surely smoke signals rose from between her thighs or was she the only one who noticed her body was on fire?

  Drake rolled her beneath him. His eyes burned bright with...what? Need? Passion? Desire? She didn’t know him well enough to be sure.

  “Yes or no?” he asked in a low voice, not sounding easy-going or carefree at all.

  He didn’t make it easy did he?

  “Yes or no what?” She wasn’t being coy, she wanted clarification, that’s all.

  Holding her gaze, he slid his hand between her legs, slipped his finger into her hot, dripping honey pot and pumped it in and out. That was one way of answering her question she supposed.

  So, he had seen the smoke signals, good. Faith widened her legs, granting him access. “Yes. Definitely yes if you have protection.”

  He smiled, pulled his finger from inside her and sucked it clean. “You have condoms.”

  Heat flooded her face. Had he looked in her nightstand where she kept her supplies? “You should have your own.”

  “I don’t. I’ll use yours, please.” He moved off her and pulled off his pants.

  Staring as his thick rod sprang free, she forgot to move. Moisture pooled in her mouth as she imagined sucking his sizable mushroomed top and licking the long length of his veined cock.

  “When you’re done, undress, and don’t forget the condoms,” he said with a crooked grin.

  Her gaze flew up, met his, and she saw the humor in the situation. They didn’t know each other that well, but lust and the need for sexual satisfaction didn’t care. Later they would deal with the awkwardness, right now she wanted him to screw her hard and long.

  She pulled off the rest of her clothes, grabbed the condoms and tossed them on the bed. Drake lifted her and held her above him for a few moments before gently lowering her on top of him. Filled with giddy, amazed, wonder like she was Cinderella who found a strong, sexy, smart prince she reached for him. The moment their skin touched he rolled, and she was beneath him again. Normally, she preferred to be on top to control exactly where the strokes hit. Somehow she didn’t think that would be a problem with him.

  “This time I’m going to take you hard because I can’t be gentle. I’ve wanted this too long, and as your dad explained, my balls might be blocked.”

  She laughed hard. “That’s…that’s just wrong and you know it,” she wheezed.

  He flicked her nipple with the tip of his finger. She felt it in her core as the laughter died. When he pinched her other nipple and nibbled on the edges everything tightened below in anticipation. He pulled her pert nipple into her mouth. Delicious shivers rippled down her spine.

  “You like that?”

  Eyes closed, she nodded. Each pull of his mouth at her breasts sent tiny shocks of pleasure between her legs.

  “Counselor Faith you’re hot and sexy as hell, and I need to be inside you,” he murmured against her breast.

  On fire with the need for him to finish what he started, blindly she searched for the foil packet, but he beat her to them. He spread her legs wider, licked between her thighs with a long swipe of his tongue, and kissed her mound.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered.

  Self-conscious, she kept her eyes closed and focused on how good everything felt rather than his actions. He positioned himself at her entrance and slid slowly inside, filling and stretching her with his firm thickness. She curled her hands into balls as her core burned from the intrusion. He held her tightly until the pain eased and the tension relaxed in her body.

  “Easy…you’re so tight. I had no idea, we’ll go easy, okay?” he said remaining still.

  “It’s been a while,” she said as the pain ebbed, and a new sensation blossomed.

  “Feels fantastic,” he murmured. “No rush, whenever you’re ready.”

  She looked up at him. His mouth, those soft lips were so close. She took hold of the sides of his face, pressed her lips to his, her tongue pried his mouth open in search of his. She moaned at the taste of him. Her body was eager for more as they continued to kiss. She wrapped her legs around his waist tightly as he moved.

  Drake started slow. He picked up the speed, faster, harder, deeper. The pleasure he gave her couldn’t be compared to anything she'd ever experienced. She wanted, needed more. His cock tunneled in and out of her. Faith’s walls grasped his cock as he pulled out and squeezed when he pushed in. Her breasts jiggled with every thrust. Her head thrashed from side to side as fiery passion spiraled her upward at such a rate she could barely breathe at the sheer intensity of it. She moaned and babbled her appreciation of his mastery of her body.

  Her hips bucked upward. Her body shuddered, throbbing around his cock like a persistent drumbeat, with the force of her release.

  Shaking, she tried to breathe, but Drake wasn’t done. She cried out his name as he took her with hard, powerful strokes. Faster and faster he pounded into her, taking what he needed while she held on, enjoying the ride.

  With a loud groan, he stiffened, lost his rhythm while holding her tighter than before, he shuddered as his body pulsed into hers.

  More satisfied than she had been in years, she inhaled their combined scents and rubbed his back. When she encountered a bandage, her eyes flew open. How could they have forgotten?

  “I’m fine,” he drawled sounding like himself. “Better than new.” He rolled over taking her with him so that she lay on his chest. “Don’t start thinking we did something wrong, Counselor.”

  Since her thoughts had been traveling in that direction, she didn’t say anything. Instead, she lay her cheek against his chest and listened to the strong beat of his heart. Had anyone ever taken her as he had? Once she got over the initial discomfort, he hadn’t been gentle at all. That had been a thorough taking.

  Her greedy core throbbed in memory of his long, hard strokes. That had been…indescribably good. She smiled and wondered when they’d do it again.

  Drake had been surprised how wet and tight Faith had been. She’d been ready for
him and after adjusting to his size, took him with no problem, no complaints. He placed his hand on her firm round hip and stroked it. His dick hadn’t gotten the message he needed time to regroup and stiffened.

  She had been one surprise after another.

  Initially, she had been concerned over leaving the injured men behind alongside the road, citing the illegalities of their actions and asked other questions he ignored. None of that concerned her.

  When Paul and Franco loaded the weapons onto the plane, her eyes rounded and she snapped her mouth shut. Seems she finally realized there were some things she shouldn’t see or know. She pushed Franco aside when he tried to administer basic first aid to clean and bandage Drake’s wounds. Not that Faith knew what she was doing, she didn’t, but after her brother’s injuries, the chase, and the fight, it was obvious she had to do something, or she might fall apart. Drake and the others allowed her to fuss over him, cite legal statutes and admonish them to be more careful while ignoring the bulk of what she said.

  By the time they reached her house, she had mellowed and exposed her nurturing side. She asked Paul and Franco to make sure there was food available for Drake when he woke and volunteered to watch over him to make sure he rested.

  Drake had nodded to the men to ensure they agreed with her before they went to rest themselves. She hadn’t promised him a kiss, it seemed a good idea at the time. Now that he knew she wanted him as he wanted her, they would go a couple more rounds before leaving this room. Faith might change her tune later and decide they didn’t work well together, that happened to people. But their bodies liked each other just fine, and he wouldn’t allow her to lie about that.

  His dick hardened in eagerness. He pushed her hips with his palm allowing her to feel his need for her again.