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Drake (Men of Versteck Valley Book 3) Page 16

  She pushed his shoulder without moving him an inch. “He didn’t.”

  “Oh yeah, he did.” He held up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

  “You weren’t a boy scout.”

  He grinned. “How do you know?”

  “You used the wrong fingers.” She took his hand in hers and pulled it down. “Anyway…as bad as that experience was, I’ve realized not all attorneys are evil. There are still a few decent ones hanging around.” She winked at him. “We need to see if there’s another trigger, learn what the Senator’s up too, and discover who wants my client dead.” She stood.

  Drake pulled her back down to the chair. “First, this.” He leaned over and kissed her hard, his tongue dueled with hers. He tasted so hot and sweet she melted into his arms, losing herself.

  When they broke apart, his face was so close to hers, she cupped his cheek. “That was nice and will have to hold you for a few days. I can barely walk if you haven’t noticed.” Standing she hid her smile at the pained, disappointed look on his face as if someone had taken his favorite treat. Tonight, she would show him her super-healing abilities when she gave him the strip-tease she had in mind, something she had always wanted to do but hadn’t met the right guy. Drake would definitely appreciate her efforts and reward her appropriately.


  The next morning Zelda called Faith with an urgent message from a security company. When they called the number, they discovered Senator Bloom wanted to talk to her and used the security company as a go-between.

  Faith and Drake contacted Asher to discuss the request and their next move.

  “How’s Francesca?” Faith asked.

  “We confirmed her identity, and she’s with the doctor. She was hit with a blunt object three times, twice in the head. There’s some swelling in her brain. The doctor’s not sure of her chances yet. Like I said yesterday, we won’t know her real state for another week or two unless she wakes before that,” Asher said. “Soon as he’s finished his preliminary work, and she’s in her room, I’ll let you know so you can call and talk to her.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it,” Faith said.

  “Gavin’s person on Capitol Hill says the Senator hasn’t been seen and isn’t going into his offices. If he wants to talk to you, he’s learned of your connection to Francesca. It’d be good to know what he knows and the state of his grief,” Asher said.

  “Alright, I’ll call the number and see how they want to handle it,” Faith said. When she returned the call to the Senator, she was told to expect a guest at one that afternoon. That person would give her a phone for her use. Drake didn’t want anyone in the house, but after the recent attack, he didn’t want her to leave either.

  At one o’clock, Paul alerted Drake of the car parked in front of the house. A man walked to the door and introduced himself as Broderick Munns, security for Senator Bloom. “I need to do a security sweep before the conversation.”

  Drake stepped back, took Munns photo with his phone to send to Asher, and spoke. “I can tell you now this home is loaded with security equipment including cameras, blockers, sound masks, scramblers, and a few other things,” Drake said. “Ms. Gardner’s been a target more than once, and we take her security seriously.”

  “Understood. We take the Senator’s safety seriously as well,” Munns said looking at Drake.

  Neither spoke for a few moments.

  “He’s here?” Drake asked in disbelief as he realized what Munns implied.

  “Possibly. What if you and Ms. Gardner talked to him in the car with your team watching? He’s not at a hundred percent but insisted on coming to see her. No one is aware he’s here, so you understand why this is a sensitive situation.” Munn’s gaze flicked around the room and landed on Drake again.

  “She’s worried about him,” Drake said.

  “Who’s worried?” Munns said.

  “How do I know you’re telling the truth? I’ve never met the Senator. How do I know he’s here to talk to her? As I said, there have been threats against her recently.” He read the question in Munn’s gaze. Either Munns deserved an Oscar, or he didn’t know about Francesca.

  “If you clear out your garage, he can park inside, and you can see him.”

  “No thanks. Do better than that. We were told this would be a phone call, not a personal meet and greet. You were supposed to bring a secure line for her to use. That’s what we agreed to. Nothing more or less.”

  Munns made a call, spoke a few moments softly and hung up. “He wants to talk to her about one of her clients and is willing to meet at her office. Would that be better?”


  Munns’ jaw tightened. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, I’m his security detail with one job to get him here without anyone knowing and get him back to Washington by a certain time today. Whatever made him leave his sickbed to come here must be important. He’s taking a risk, you should consider that before saying no.”

  Drake looked at his phone. Asher had run a check on Munns and verified his identity. He worked for a security company that had been hired by the Senator. “Which would be best for the Senator? Sitting in the car or coming inside?”

  “If there’s a private place for them to talk inside where he can stretch his leg that would be best, not that it matters to him. He simply wants a private conversation with her,” Munns said.

  Drake sent Faith a text, asking what she wanted to do. “Scan away, we’re not changing anything, if he comes inside, he has to realize and accept that.”

  Munns scanned the foyer, cursed and stopped once he reached the living room. “You weren’t kidding, this place is loaded. I’ll let him know, and he’ll make his own decision.” He left.

  Moments later, the back door of the car out front opened. A man with the collar on his trench coat pulled up and a low riding hat that left his face shadowed stepped out the car. He walked slowly while talking to Munns. His face looked down at his companion the entire time.


  When they reached the foyer, Munns stepped back and allowed the man to enter. Drake met him alone. Paul, Franco and three others were nearby. Faith was locked in the basement with a team of four.

  “Hello. I’m Jason Bloom. You’re not Ms. Gardner.”

  Drake smiled as he looked at the 57-year-old man with piercing blue eyes who almost stood eyeball to eyeball with him. “No, I’m not. I’ve got to verify your identity.” He had recorded their greeting and sent it to Asher. He held out a palm scanner. “Can you place your finger on this device?”

  The Senator stared at Drake. “Munns said someones’ tried to kill her?”

  Drake nodded.

  “Munns told you no one can know of this visit, or conversation. I believe you’re a man of honor or a man in love.” He placed his finger on the device while watching Drake. “Which is it?”

  Drake smiled as he sent the information to Asher.

  “Love is a powerful force, makes fools and kings of men,” the Senator said. He pointed to a chair. “May I sit down please?”

  “One second,” Drake said. He looked at Munns who took a step forward. “Don’t move. This has to clear.”

  Munns pointed to the chair. “For heaven’s sake, let him sit down at least. I told you—”

  “I know what you said. I’ve still got to verify…alright, come in and have a seat.” Drake moved aside as Asher’s verifications came through. He stuffed his phone into his pocket.

  “Where’s Ms. Gardner?” Senator Bloom asked looking around.

  “She’s coming and will meet you in her office. The men working here are not familiar with the intricate details of her client’s wishes nor will she break her client’s confidence by speaking here,” Drake said.

  “Thank goodness,” the Senator said and pointed. “Munns stay here. Lead the way.”

  Drake headed to the office. Faith stood alone inside. Drake closed the door and leaned against it.

  “You’re staying?” the Sena
tor looked at Drake.

  “We’re law partners. I’m aware of the case,” Drake said.

  “Please have a seat,” Faith said, motioning to the sofa as she sat on the chair. “The sounds in this house are masked to keep anyone from overhearing our conversations and are tested randomly several times a day.”

  “Thank you, at this point…” He shrugged as if it didn’t matter. “Have you heard from Francesca? I’ve searched everywhere but can’t find her.” He removed his hat and pulled down the collars on his coat. Using his hand in unhurried motions, he brushed down his short, thick light brown hair which stood at attention in places. He tilted up his angular face and stared at her. “Six months ago was the first I knew anything about you. I wanted her to use a friend of mine to handle a sensitive matter for her. She told me she’d hired an outside attorney, a friend and sorority sister who could and would handle anything her other attorney didn’t handle. She didn’t want me to worry or get involved.” He snorted. “She and Davina worry more about my political career than I do.” He looked up at them. “For different reasons of course. Fran genuinely believes I’m good for the people I serve. During this administration…I let her down.” He shook his head. “I’m going out of my mind with worry. No one’s seen or heard from her. She’s missed appointments, and that’s not like her.”

  “She wasn’t with you wherever you were?” Faith asked.

  His head snapped up. “No. Is that what she told you?” He shook his head. “No, she wouldn’t have told you that. We talked while I was onboard the plane. It was supposed to be a quick flight to check out something confidential for the committee. She was supposed to meet me at our place in the mountains.”

  “The one in Aspen?” Faith asked.

  He looked at her and then nodded. “Yes. I went there. She never showed. I thought something happened on the mountainside and searched for her.” He slapped his thigh. “Fell and busted my leg. Slowed me down—”

  “What about her security team?” Faith asked.

  Drake watched the Senator grow thoughtful.

  “Both Fran and I are pretty good shots and the security system’s good at the place. When we’re alone, we only have one with us, Gaspers. He’s been with us since the beginning. His wife says he’s missing too.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t know what to do, or where to look or anything. I’m here hoping you can help me, point me in the right direction. Something. Anything.”

  “My instructions from her were simple, search for her,” Faith said. “She didn’t want you involved, asked me to keep your relationship quiet, and protect your reputation if possible.”

  The Senator’s face contorted with pain as he waved aside her words. “Forget all that. It means nothing, nothing do you hear me? I want Fran safe back here with me. None of the rest matters.” He pointed at her. “Are you looking for her?”

  “It’s the reason my family and I have been attacked,” Faith said.

  Sadness clouded the Senator’s features. “I’m…I’m sorry.” He paused and swallowed hard. “It’s because of me, then. Someone has attacked the love of my life because of her relationship with me. I had hoped it was…”

  “Was what? Who? Is there someone out there who would hurt Francesca?” Faith asked. She looked over her shoulder at Drake and took a step toward the Senator.

  “Faith,” Drake warned. They had already discussed her remaining a safe distance from the man.

  “It happened a long time ago.” Senator Bloom shook his head. “Business, politics, …they’ve both gotten so dirty, worse than ever. The deck’s stacked in favor of men or women with money, connections.”

  “What happened a long time ago?” Faith pressed.

  “Déesse Noire. She sold them after learning there had been problems.” He waved it away. “Happened years ago. It’s behind us.”

  Drake recalled the money laundering scandal that preceded Francesca’s selling of both restaurants. It was a stretch to think someone waited several years to attack her over that unless something new had happened. He would have Asher look into it.

  “Someone took Francesca,” Faith said. “Why would she give me instructions to find her if she didn’t think that was a possibility?”

  Senator Bloom rubbed his forehead while looking at a point on the floor. “I don’t know. She never told me that’s what she intended for you to do. All this time I assumed it had something to do with Déesse Noire. She didn’t share much about her businesses with me, didn’t want me influencing it or trying to run things. It was the one area we disagreed. Why should I help other businesses make millions of dollars and not her?” He looked genuinely confused.

  “She wanted to do it on her own. To have something that was all hers,” Faith said holding the Senator’s gaze. “She’s a strong woman with a high moral code. It cost her to be with you, to love you. But she believes you’re worth it.”

  The Senator inhaled deeply. “Thank you for that. How is the search going? Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Tell us where you think she went? Where else would she go if not to your place in the mountains?” Faith said.

  “I’ve sent Munns’ team to all those places already. She wasn’t, hasn’t been to any of them in months,” he said.

  “The company I hired might have better luck. Can you tell me where she might have gone?” Faith pushed.

  The Senator pressed his lips together for a few moments before giving them the names of the same locations Francesca left in the green satchel.

  “Thank you,” Faith said typing the names into her phone.

  “Didn’t she leave you information? How did you know she was missing?” the Senator asked, watching Faith.

  “Francesca sent me a letter telling me she was missing and that I should start searching for her,” she said.

  Drake wouldn’t have told the old man that bit of information, but Faith was Francesca’s attorney.

  Senator Bloom scrambled to sit upright. “What? How? When? You’ve heard from her?” His chest heaved as if struggling to take his next breath.

  Faith held out her hands. “Calm down. You know Francesca better than anyone. If she could’ve contacted anyone, it would’ve been you.” She took a deep breath as the color in the older man’s cheeks normalized.

  “Francesca had a system of triggers in place. After a certain amount of time lapsed without interference from her, I received a letter,” Faith said.

  “That sounds like her,” he said with a genuine smile. “Always had plans and backup plans for her backups. We laughed about it. It was hard to catch her off-guard which is why her being missing is such a puzzle. She planned for everything.”

  “So what’s the next trigger?” Faith asked.

  Drake watched a baffled expression fill the Senator’s face.

  “What do you mean?” Senator Bloom asked watching Faith.

  “She’s not around to stop any more triggers. What do you think will happen next?” Faith said as she crossed her arms. “Will she send a note to someone else? Someone in the media? Another attorney? Banker? Security team? What’s your thought?”

  Open-mouthed he stared at her for several seconds. “I have no idea. Maybe to a friend of hers in the media, one of her sorority sisters perhaps. Or she may have another attorney or banker.” He rubbed his forehead with one hand and his thigh with the other. “Whatever she does is fine with me if it brings her home safe. That’s the important thing.”

  Drake pointed at him. “Does anyone know you feel that way about Francesca? Do they know you’d give up everything? That you wouldn’t care who knew about her as long as the two of you were together?”

  Frowning deeply, the Senator looked at him for a few moments, and then recognition dawned on his face. “No. I won’t believe it.”

  “What?” Faith asked.

  Senator Bloom inhaled and released it slowly. “I’m being considered for Minority Leader after the next election. My poll numbers are high enough that I’m not b
eing challenged. I won the last election with a double-digit percentage margin so it’s not a stretch I should win again … if I run.” The last two words were so low Drake almost missed them.

  “Beg your pardon?” Faith said before Drake could.

  “I’m burned out. Everything’s a struggle for power and not in a good way. There’s no compromise, we aren’t getting critical things done. Everything’s become us against them … it’s draining and not what I signed up for,” Senator Bloom said.

  “You told someone you may not run again?” Faith asked, glancing at Drake before giving the Senator her attention.

  “Fran, Davina. I might’ve mentioned it to the current Leader, Senator Macdonald.” He looked at her. “He didn’t like it, tried to talk me out of it. The seat’s safe, it’ll go red regardless of who runs, but that didn’t matter. It’s about optics to him. Too many of us are bailing, doesn’t look good.” He snorted. “Like I care.”

  “Did he know about Francesca? Macdonald. Did he know about her?” Faith asked in a low voice.

  “I never told him, but I’m sure he did. Fran and I’ve been together for 19 years. Anyone running a background check, a serious one, would see she’s been a constant in my life. If you think he’s got something to do with her missing, you’re wrong. He’s in a similar situation and understands.” Senator Bloom pointed at Faith. “I have no idea what the next trigger will be, but if she exposes our relationship to the media, I’ll deal with the fallout. But I won’t lie and deny her. I won’t do that.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. She told me she was utterly, irrevocably in love with you and that would never change,” Faith said softly.

  The Senator’s eyes watered. “I love that woman the same way.” He closed his eyes for a few moments. “I have men searching for her, too. If you find her first will you let me know?”

  “If she tells me to,” Faith said.

  He frowned. “Why wouldn’t she?”

  Faith shrugged. “I don’t know, just answering your question honestly. I won’t disclose anything else I’m doing on her behalf to you or anyone. When we find her, if we find her first, I’ll make sure she’s aware you’re searching for her as well, and she’ll have the option to make contact if that’s what she wants to do.”