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Drake (Men of Versteck Valley Book 3) Page 22

  “What is this place?” she asked in a low voice.

  He wasn’t sure if she was afraid or impressed.

  “This is Asher’s building, his Mecca.” Drake looked around, trying to see it through her eyes and could see why she had questions. The huge place could be anything or hide several things behind all the doors.

  “This way,” Asher said from down the hall.

  “Sorry,” Faith said moving to catch up.

  Drake watched her hips swing in her pressed trousers and hoped she spent the night with him in his home and not here with Francesca. He looked up, caught Asher’s amused smile and shrugged. He enjoyed being with Faith. She was gorgeous, smart and sexy, a seriously good combination.

  “Through here,” Asher said holding the door for Faith.

  The door locked behind them. Asher strode ahead down another hall and stopped in front of a door. He entered a series of code, placed his palm on the scanner and the door unlocked. He opened the door for them. Faith entered first, then Drake and Asher brought up the rear. Francesca lay on a bed on the opposite side of the glass. A slender, dark complexioned woman sat in a nearby chair looking at a digital tablet.

  Asher pointed to a flat panel on the wall. “I turned it on so you could see. That’s the latest information Maggie has on her. Temperature, pressure, that kind of thing.”

  Both Drake and Faith looked at the screen. Some information he understood but most of it was Greek.

  Asher gave them protective clothing to put on. When they were fully covered, he opened the door to allow them entry.

  Maggie faced them with a welcoming smile. “Drake, it’s good to see you. Asher said you and Faith would be coming today.” She looked at Faith. “I’m Maggie, Registered Nurse, fully licensed for over a decade. Your friend is in good hands.”

  “Thank you so much. How is she doing?” Faith moved closer to the bed and looked at Francesca who wasn’t as swollen or bruised as she had been the first time. She looked like she was taking a peaceful nap.

  “There’s been no change in her pressure or temperature. She appears to be healing from the external bruises. The swelling in her brain has gone down, which is a good thing. We just have to wait and let the body heal itself,” Maggie said. “Talking to her the way you’ve been doing is good. After you rest and get situated, come back, sit down, take her hand and read to her. It’ll help.” Maggie touched Faith’s shoulder and walked off leaving her alone with Francesca.

  Drake and Asher stepped outside.

  Faith stared down at her soror, her friend and client. What happened Francesca? Gasper and the other guard are both dead. Did they die protecting you? Were you kidnapped? Who did this to you? Questions on top of questions raced through Faith’s mind. Patience. They said she needed to be more patient, and she agreed. But she couldn’t keep Francesca here forever. Although the norm was two to three weeks, some coma patients remained in that state for years.

  What can you do? Make it safe for Francesca to stay with the Senator. What if he’s directly or indirectly responsible for her being in this condition? Faith’s gut said no. But she could be wrong which is why the Senator hadn’t been told of Francesca’s condition or whereabouts.

  She touched Francesca’s arm, took solace in its warmth and turned. “Maggie?”

  The nurse walked over. “Yes?”

  “Should we hire someone else to stay with her when you’re off shift? Asher explained the possibilities of leaks, but I’m concerned she might wake and be afraid.” Faith looked at her.

  “I’ve split my time so that I rotate in and stay for two-and-a-half hour blocks. During those shifts I check the IV’s, the equipment, examine her for any changes, clean her if needed and take her vitals. It’s the same schedule her initial attending physician used. When I’m not here, I leave music on and this on the table.”

  She opened the drawer next to the bed. Faith read a short letter that would explain to Francesca what happened, where she was and tell her the nurse was on the way.

  “Thank you, this is perfect. If Francesca read this, she would be alright.” A weight rolled off Faith’s shoulder. Sitting and reading for a couple of hours was one thing, but her lack of medical knowledge and training wouldn’t make her the best candidate to be locked in a room with someone in a coma.

  “Asher’s idea. He wrote the letter. That man doesn’t miss anything, best boss ever.” Maggie smiled and walked off.

  Faith glanced at the two men talking outside. Drake appeared more relaxed than she had seen him before.

  “Where’d you study law?” Maggie asked.

  “Duke.” Faith said politely.

  “Did you like North Carolina?” Maggie asked.

  “It was alright. Great law school but not a place I planned to live after graduation,” Faith said and looked at her phone. Her brother had sent a text saying he was doing much better and getting around. He wanted to know how much longer the security guys would be there. Faith had no idea and decided to wait to discuss it with Asher before responding.

  “If you want to watch television, there’s another flat screen on that wall facing the bed. There aren’t a lot of regular channels, mostly streaming movies and shows. Bootleg I’m sure.” Maggie grinned.

  “I’m behind on the latest movies, maybe I’ll watch one when I come back later tonight. What’s the best time?” Faith glanced at Drake. He met her gaze. Asher had left.

  “Here’s my schedule and my number. Call anytime.”

  Faith looked at the paper. “You’re here at one in the morning? What about your family?”

  “They’re taken care of. That schedule works best for her.” Maggie nodded at Francesca. “And that’s the most important thing.”


  When Faith finished talking to Maggie, she arranged to return later that evening to spend time with Francesca. After removing the protective clothing and tossing them aside, she met Drake in the hall.

  “Where’s Asher?” she asked looking down the corridor.

  “He left,” Drake said extending his hand to her.

  She took it. They walked in silence toward the elevator. Drake entered a series of codes into the security panel before the door opened. Once inside, the door closed, and he turned to her. “The safest way to my home is through the tunnels. It’s our secret weapon to remain safe. You can’t tell anyone about it.”

  She read the seriousness in his stare and nodded. “I won’t tell anyone.” They held each other’s gazes a moment longer.

  “Thanks.” He typed several keys on the elevator security pad and scanned his palm before it moved downward. “It’s underground and easy to get lost if you don’t know your way around. When we enter an area the lights for that section turn on and when we leave, they’ll turn off. It can be disorienting if you’re not familiar with it.”

  Chill bumps raced across her skin at the idea of walking underground in dark areas. She didn’t think she had an unreasonable fear of the dark, at least she hadn’t before. But now that Drake mentioned it, her stomach lurched just as the elevator stopped.

  He punched more keys and placed his palm on the scanner before the door opened. It wasn’t pitch black thank goodness, but it was dark and cool. The air smelled stale as if it needed a blast of wind to freshen things up.

  Drake took her hand.

  Glad for his warmth, Faith beat down the fear that rose as she looked at the rock on both sides and above her. It didn’t matter how far below the ground they were, she would be crushed to death if they fell. Her throat tightened. Beads of sweat dotted her forehead.

  “Breathe in and out,” Drake said while moving slowly.

  She stopped, placed her hand on her knees and took several deep breaths. “Sorry. I didn’t realize…we’re underground.” Her mind knew what a tunnel was, but her body got slammed with the reality of everything with each step she took. “Give me a moment.”

  “I’ve got you.” Drake lifted her and walked steadily. “Close your eyes and
hold on to me.”

  Grateful, Faith ignored her embarrassment and wrapped her arms around his neck and hid her face in his shoulder. It seemed they walked for hours when it was only around 10 minutes. He walked up a flight of stairs and placed her on the landing.

  “I’ve got to open the door.”

  She stepped behind him and looked down. Unable to see the bottom step she swallowed hard, looked at his shoulder and followed him as he entered the door.

  “I need to turn off the alarm,” he said closing the door tight behind her and moving away. She leaned on the door a few seconds before realizing she was in a foyer of sorts.

  “Come out here,” Drake called.

  Faith followed his voice, turned the corner and saw him standing in the hall near a large recreation room with a pool table and other arcade video game machines, most had guns attached. Western posters, cowboy gear, and old photos were everywhere, surprising her.

  “This is the basement,” Drake said. “Upstairs is the rest of the house.” Again, he extended his hand.

  It took a moment to pull her gaze from the games and take his hand. She looked down at his cowboy boots, the western paraphernalia on every table and realized he took all this seriously. It wasn’t until that very moment she understood how little she knew about Drake.

  Prepared to see a horse standing in the living room or a saddle or a statue of a gunslinger, Faith walked up the stairs behind him in silence.

  “Hungry?” Drake asked as they entered the first floor which looked nothing like the basement. In fact, Faith would bet Drake hired a decorator to furnish this area. Earth tone colors blended perfectly on the wall, the artwork, furniture, and carpets. It looked as if she stepped into a furniture show-room.

  “I could eat something.” She wanted to see his kitchen. Would it be Drake, like the basement, or another show-room model? It seemed a combination of both. The large gray granite counter took up most of the white kitchen. Stainless steel appliances gleamed as if they were new or rarely used. She would put her money on the latter. She pulled out a white, leather high back stool and sat to watch.

  “Laura’s been here.” He pulled out a container of Chinese noodles with meat and another container of fried rice. “She’s my law partner and left these here last night to make sure we had something to eat.” He held the containers for her inspection.

  “That’s fine. Thanks.” Why didn’t she know he had a female partner? One with access to his home, no less.

  “There’s only water or beer right now,” he said looking in the refrigerator after placing two plates of food into a large microwave.

  “Water’s fine, thank you.”

  He placed the bottle in front of her and winked.

  “You seem more relaxed than I’ve ever seen you before,” she said before taking her first sip. It bothered her that she didn’t know much about him while he knew a lot about her.

  “It’s the fresh air,” he said with a boyish grin. “Gets to me every time.” He slapped his chest and removed the steaming plates. “Silverware’s on the counter.”

  “Oh. Thanks.” She grabbed their forks and napkins from the containers near the refrigerator. She took a bite, realized how hungry she was and finished eating in silence. Just what do you know about this man? Other than he’s super-hot and sexy and great in bed, she amended.

  Not much. She had taken Gavin’s word that Drake was good people and allowed him access to her home and possibly her heart.

  What? No. Yes. No. She really liked Drake, but that was all. He was a great guy who she enjoyed spending time with, but her heart was safe. She had kept it safe since the last guy broke it… what was his name? She tried to pull up the anger, the disgust, the hurt she had felt and couldn’t. What’s his name no longer meant anything to her. What a relief.

  “What’s funny?”

  Startled, she looked at Drake. “What?”

  “You were smiling like something was funny,” he said.

  “Oh. Nothing. Just thinking.” She pointed her fork at him. “You’re a cowboy at heart, aren’t you?”

  His face blanked. It happened so fast it surprised her.

  “Drake?” Had she offended him?

  “In a way, I suppose I am. Although I align myself more to the outlaws than cowboys. Many of them were both,” Drake said, his tone careful, gaze watchful.

  “I can see that,” she said.

  His face softened. “You can?”

  “Yeah. Why didn’t I know you were a partner in a firm? Or that you didn’t just wear those boots for style? Or that you love guns and gunfights?” she asked.

  He leaned back in his chair and watched her for a few moments. “You’ve never shown any interest in me the person and never asked personal questions.”

  That hurt because it was true. She met him in the midst of a professional crisis, and that set the tone for the beginning of their relationship. Why hadn’t she asked questions when the relationship became personal?

  “I was afraid to ask. I didn’t want you to think I was being pushy or that I expected more because we were intimate,” she admitted, glad the heat in her cheeks didn’t show through her skin.

  “I see. Several years ago, Laura returned from California where she had an office and set up an office here. She offered me a partnership back then. I wasn’t ready. I told you I worked for a large firm before and was burning out. Last year I quit and moved back home. Asher, Moses, my brother, and I have business interests here and always planned to make this home.”

  “Is Laura an old girlfriend?” she asked.

  Drake’s eyes crinkled at the corner. “She would be flattered to hear you ask that. We all grew up together, she’s my older sister by choice, not birth. We’re really close. If she doesn’t stop by tonight, she will meet you tomorrow.”

  Relieved, Faith nodded. “So, you don’t think I’m being pushy by asking personal questions?”

  “No. I hope you’re asking because you want to know more about me because you’re genuinely interested,” he said.

  “Genuinely interested versus interested?” she teased.

  “Your body tells me you’re interested, I’m hoping for more,” he said.

  Her heart clenched. “What do you want, Drake?”

  “You. I’ve told you that before,” he reminded her. At the time she assumed he meant sex. Had he meant more?

  “What do you want, Faith?” He leaned forward and stared into her eyes.

  “I want to be happy, content, successful, a family, children one day, a career, and a man who loves me on my worst days. That’s what I want Drake.” Now, what do you think of that?

  “You’re a good woman who deserves everything she wants.” He stood and pulled her to her feet. “And I’m the man to give it to you.” He leaned down and kissed her, softly at first and then he plundered her mouth. They broke apart on a gasp.

  “I… I… don’t think I can move out here…” she said.

  He kissed her again, robbing her of breath, and thoughts. Her stomach tightened low, and her core throbbed. When they broke apart, he lifted her onto the counter and stepped between her legs. “I’m the man who will give you everything you want. Do you believe me?” His voice had taken on a husky, hypnotic quality that played havoc with her mind.

  Unable to look away from his gaze she nodded.

  “Give me the words, Faith,” he said in a deep voice that sent shivers down her spine.

  “Yes,” she whispered. Her core throbbed in need. Her taut nipples hurt. She ran her tongue across her dry lips and pulled his face close for another kiss.

  He pulled her closer so that her core aligned with his hard length. She wrapped her legs around him and lost herself in the kiss.

  Drake lifted her from the counter and walked down the hall. Faith stared at him as he pushed open the door and released her. She fell to the bed. He pulled off his shirt.

  Faith pulled off her top and bra.

  He pulled down his pants and boxers.
br />   She pulled down her pants and thong. He released a low growl when she kicked off her heels and scooted backward on the bed. “Wait,” she said when he moved toward her. Quickly she pulled back the cover and rested on the sheets.

  He grabbed condoms from the nightstand drawer and tossed them on the bed. Her heart raced in joyous anticipation. Laying on the pillow, she opened her legs in invitation. Last night had been good, but that was last night. She wanted her daily dose, and she wanted him now.

  He eased one finger inside her.

  She moaned in delight.

  "You're so wet, so tight." He hooked the finger and pulled it out slowly. He re-inserted it with another.

  Moving against his hand, she moaned as her walls flexed against his fingers. “You’re ready for me, thank god,” he murmured.

  “I’m ready,” she whispered wanting more.

  Instead of moving up, he slid down and licked her tender folds.

  She gasped in pleasure, pulling the sheet into her hand, squeezing it as indescribable pleasure raced through her. He continued licking, twirling his tongue on her clit and then latched onto it, giving it a hard suck. His tongue dipped inside her body briefly before he licked upwards and sucked her clit into his mouth again, flicking the tiny bundle of nerves with his tongue in a hard, fast rhythm.

  Faith bucked and screamed as his fingers continued stroking and his tongue worked its magic. Liquid heat spread through her like a volcano. Her body tightened and then shook beneath the force of her release. She babbled like a fool as she flew apart.

  Drake didn’t give her time to recover. He slid up and thrust deep in one stroke, burying his whole cock deep inside her. Grabbing her hips tight, he pistoned in and out, faster and faster. She wrapped her legs around his waist, silently demanding more from him. He pulled her legs from his waist and placed the heels of her feet high on his shoulder. Her eyes widened as he moved deeper inside her, slamming into her walls from another angle. They were lost in one another. He was hit with waves of ecstasy to the breaking point, yet he kept pounding into her sweet sheath as the sexy sounds from her mouth spurred him on.