Drake (Men of Versteck Valley Book 3) Read online

Page 23

  Her body tightened around his cock. She screamed his name as she came once more.

  Lost in pleasure, his world exploded in total bliss as she milked his cock.

  Boneless, he rolled off her and pulled her close. “Mine,” he said.



  Drake woke to the ringing of his personal phone and answered. “Senator Bloom wants to talk to Faith again. He believes she knows where Francesca is,” Asher said. “He’s called twice. This last time he threatened to call the police and have Faith arrested.”

  “For not telling him what he wants to know about his Mistress?” Drake looked down at Faith who lay sprawled across the bed asleep.

  “Yes. Paul also received a call from Davina wanting to talk to Faith. I’m glad she’s here and not where they can get to her,” Asher said.

  “Right. How do you want to play this?” Drake stood and left to get a couple bottles of water from the kitchen. If Faith wasn’t thirsty when he woke her in a few minutes, he would be surprised. They had burned a lot of energy.

  “Seems to me things are coming to a head. Munns’ has a larger team in town. They’re camped around the house I sent Franco. There are some players here I haven’t identified yet. We’re keeping an eye on them. Laura did your grocery shopping and left it for you at the Mecca. Maggie said you two were returning tonight,” Asher said.

  “I think Faith said something along those lines.” Drake wasn’t looking forward to sitting in Francesca’s room for a few hours, but he wouldn’t allow Faith to go alone either.

  “Find out what Faith wants done about the Senator and his wife. Paul’s good, but he’s not a secretary, and he might run off any potential clients,” Asher said.

  “I’ll wake her now and see what she wants to do. On the one hand, she feels bad for the Senator and prefers that he takes care of Francesca. The doc said most coma patients remain in that condition two to three weeks. If she went into a coma the night she disappeared, she’s in her second week, going into the third and won’t be in that state much longer, it’ll be easier for him to care for her,” Drake said.

  “If that’s what Faith wants to do, let me know so I can set it up and have Francesca transported somewhere else for pickup,” Asher said.

  It went without saying the Senator wouldn’t be allowed to visit Francesca in the Mecca or be told about it for any reason. “Will do. We just want this over as soon as possible. Mr. Gardner’s getting tired of having security around,” Drake said.

  “Say the word, and I’ll call them off. I’ve got other jobs I can place them on,” Asher said.

  “Is it safe?” Drake asked.

  “Answer this. If I wanted to get Faith alone and make her do my bidding, who do you think I’d go after?” Asher asked.

  “You’re right. She’d lose it if anything happened to her father or brother. She’s still not a hundred percent from what happened to Alex,” Drake said. “I’ll have her remind them of that the next time they complain.”

  “Good idea. I think this is coming to a head soon. The Senator’s not buying Faith doesn’t know where Francesca is anymore. This morning he announced he is not running for re-election. It’s all over the news. He cited personal problems. Davina stood behind him looking sad and empathetic.”

  “Did she call Faith before the announcement or after?” Drake asked.

  “Good question. I don’t know off hand. Paul would’ve put the time on the messages. Have a look at them,” Asher said.

  Faith walked into the kitchen holding her phone to her ear. “Audrey calm down. I told you I’d take care of it this week.” Frowning she looked at him. “No Audrey we can’t meet today, I’m out of town.” She paused. “I apologize for not getting them back to you, I explained I had family challenges and have been in an out of town.”

  She took his bottle of water and took a long pull. “I received them when Manning’s sent them last week. I just haven’t finished going over them.” She dropped her forehead, her chin hit her chest. “I’m working another case out of town right now, Audrey. If you feel you need to find another attorney to handle your paperwork, I understand.”

  Drake slid his business card to her. “You can work there,” he whispered.

  Faith looked at the card a few seconds and pushed it away. “I realize this is an important contract for you and again I apologize for not returning it before now. If you remember, I promised to get it back to you this week and I will. Just not today.”

  Drake watched the emotions fly across Faith’s face. He knew she had a soft spot for Audrey, especially after everything Harold took her through. It bothered him that she might lose a client because she came to see Francesca.

  “Apology accepted,” Faith said after a few moments. “I’ll see what I can do and call you later. Don’t worry, I’ll look over the contracts. Knowing you, I’m sure they gave you exactly what you wanted,” Faith said as she stretched and sat in the chair next to him. “Talk to you later, stay safe.”

  She disconnected, closed her eyes and counted to 10.

  “What happened to her? Harold? His father bothering her?”

  Faith waved those down. “No. Audrey loves tinkering with things. She told me about an invention she had made and wanted me to look at the contract from Manning, Inc. I received the contract last week, but with everything going on, I forgot to look at it and get it back to her. Now Manning wants the signed contracts tomorrow, or she could lose it. She’s understandably upset and pushing to get it done yesterday.” She huffed. “She’s one of my favorite clients, but when she gets pushed or in a tight squeeze, she lashes out. I have to put her in her place fast, or she goes on and on. She always apologizes and I know she doesn’t mean any harm, but she gets on my nerves with that.”

  “You can use our office. Have her fly here, sign the contracts and be on her way.”

  “No. She can meet me in Denver or wait until I get home later this week. This is your private place, your sanctuary, no drama here. I like the effect this place has on you. It’s good for you.” She stood and placed her lips against his.

  He cupped her hips in his palms. “Speaking of drama. Bloom announced he’s not running for re-election.”

  Faith jerked back and looked up at him. “What? When?”

  “This morning. Asher said Davina stood behind him in apparent solidarity.”

  “Wow, I never thought he would go that far,” she said.

  “Both he and his wife have called you. Paul passed along the message. Asher believes the Senator thinks you know more about what’s going on with Francesca and has threatened to press charges against you.”

  Faith stared at him for a few moments. “For what, his heart being broken?”

  Drake smiled and pulled her close. “If it’s any consolation, Asher thinks we’re getting close to the end. Munns has a larger team here, they followed you, and there’s another group here that Asher is watching.”

  “They followed us here?”

  He almost corrected her, these guys were following her, not him. But she was right. The two of them were a team. If they went after her, they went after him. “Yes. At some point they’ll storm the house and Asher will have them arrested or…” he shrugged. She had seen the alternative on the road that day when they left her father’s house.

  She leaned against him with her forehead against his chest. “I want this over. Francesca wants this to be over. I’m ready for a vacation from all of this.”

  “Once we’re done, I’ll take you somewhere for a week. What about a cruise? All the food you can eat. No cooking or cleaning, free entertainment and sliding between the sheets anytime we want,” he said holding her in a soft embrace.

  “Ummm, that sounds good. I’ll hold you to it,” she said as his phone rang.

  Drake answered it and met her gaze. “Senator Bloom’s called the office again, he knows you’re here and wants to talk.”

  “On the phone?” Faith said. “I don’t want to
see him again.”

  Drake told Asher what she said. “She doesn’t want any drama coming to Versteck.” He chuckled. “I know, but that’s what she said.”

  “What’s funny?” she asked when he disconnected.

  “We handle drama better than anyplace else. It doesn’t bother us at all,” he said.

  “Must be that outlaw in you coming out,” she teased as she brushed her lips against his.

  “Code of the west, Counselor. We take care of our own in Versteck, don’t like strangers coming to make trouble. It’s the safest place in the world for some people.” He touched the tip of her nose. “You’re one of those people.”

  She melted against him while holding him tight. They stayed that way for several moments.

  “Arrgh,” she said stepping back from him as his phone rang.

  Drake answered. “What’s up?”

  “Just so you know, Senator Bloom and his wife flew to Aspen after he made his announcement this morning. He wants to talk to Faith and will wait until she has a secure line. Go in the tunnels, I’ll scramble the signal, so they won’t know exactly where she is,” Asher said.

  “His wife is with him?” Drake asked looking at Faith.

  “Yes. They arrived together two hours ago and are staying in his and Francesca’s place,” Asher said.

  “What’s your gut feeling? Aspen’s close. Why is he here?” Drake asked.

  “Faith’s here. I think he’s hoping Francesca is alive and Faith will lead him to her,” Asher said.

  “We’ll head down. Pass the call through in five.” Drake hung up. “Grab a heavier coat and socks, it gets chilly down there sometimes.”

  Faith followed him. “Down where?”

  “Tunnels. It’s the best place to scramble the signal, so he won’t know where you are.” He gave her a long heavy coat and a thick pair of socks. “There’s a place nearby where I’ll take you.”

  In silence, she put on the socks and coat. He led her down the stairs and at the bottom, picked her up and carried her a few feet into a hidden grotto. There were blankets on the ground a few folding chairs, a small table and cooler.

  “This is different,” she said looking around before opening a chair. She sat gingerly in it and looked at him. “Is this where you brought your dates when you were younger? It looks like a bachelor’s hideaway.” She pointed to the inflatable bed rolled up in its pouch in the corner.

  Drake looked at the bag and smiled. “Not really. When we were younger, we didn’t have nice things like that down here. It was a lot rougher and not as safe. We’ve spent a lot of money retrofitting this place, added a lot of steel support, opened and created passages, installed excellent security, lights, monitors and more security.”

  She looked around. “You spent a lot of time down here when you were growing up?” She sounded incredulous.

  “Yeah. Like I said it wasn’t like this. Some areas were blocked off, others were unsafe, but there were spots we called our own and would spend a lot of time during the summer in a couple of caverns having parties, getting high or drunk.” He grinned. “Good times.”

  “Sounds like a lot of fun. Your parents didn’t mind you hanging out in unsafe tunnels and stuff?” she asked.

  “My dad didn’t care, and if he did, he didn’t spend enough time around us to show it. He died young from a heart attack and wasn’t missed. At least I didn’t miss him, Moses is a couple years older and might have cared when he died. We were left with Anna Sanderson, an insecure and petty woman who pitted us against each other until we were old enough to see it.”

  “Asher’s on your father’s side?” she asked.

  “No. My mom and his father were siblings. He was in the Diplomatic Corp and allowed Asher to spend his summers and some holidays with us.”

  A phone rang once and stopped. Drake pulled it out from the cooler. “I won’t be listening in on this call. Don’t tell him where we are or Francesca.”

  She gave him a look that had him backpedaling. “I know you won’t deliberately…just. Nothing.” He handed her the phone and pulled out another chair. The moment he sat, the phone rang again. “Answer on the third ring,” he said.

  “Faith Gardner, how can I help you?” she asked.

  “Ms. Gardner, how is Francesca? I know she was hurt. Her blood was found on the scene where they found Gasper and Huno. Please tell me you have her. Please tell me she’s alive at least.”

  Faith closed her eyes at the pain in his voice.

  “Answer me for god’s sake. I need to know,” he yelled.

  “Senator, if I knew I’d tell you. They found her blood? When? A lot of it? Oh my god,” she whispered. “Oh my god.”

  He started crying.

  Faith’s heart broke. But the Senator traveled with his wife and Faith wasn’t sure Davina hadn’t ordered the attack on Francesca. She wouldn’t risk her client’s life, not when she wasn’t a hundred percent sure.

  The next voice shocked Faith. “Miss Gardner you better hope and pray you don’t know anything about Francesca because if he does anything stupid, I’ll hold you responsible. The law won’t come after you but I will. He’s giving up everything. Do you hear me? He’s giving up,” Davina yelled.

  “What are you doing there? Why are you on this call?” Faith asked, not in the mood to put up with Davina’s crap.

  “Did you hear what I just said? Without Fran, he’s not interested in much else. He doesn’t want anyone around. I won’t let him…”

  “Let me talk to him.” Faith met Drake’s gaze and hoped she was doing the right thing.

  “Faith?” the Senator infused so much hope into her name she cringed.

  “Sir, I give you my word, if Fran is alive, my team will find her. She left specific instructions; things no one knows about to help us find her. Please be patient, I promise I’ll let you know the moment I find out something.”

  “She’s not here? She’s not the reason you’re here?” He sounded genuinely confused.

  “What? No. What made you think that?” she asked curiously.

  “Munns believed you’d want to be near her, that’s why we followed you here. It’s been over a week… who would want to hurt her? Why would they do this?”

  “Do you love her?” Faith asked while watching Drake.

  “What kind of question is that? With my dying breath, I love that woman. I’d do anything for her,” he said heatedly.

  “Then pray for her. You know Francesca better than anyone. She had plans on top of plans, and we’re going through each one. She may have sent you a letter telling you to remain calm.”

  “She did. I have it with me.” He took a deep breath. “I need her. She’s my soul-mate. My heart. It’s hard to pray when it hurts so bad.”

  “Try. No more calls from your wife. I won’t talk to her.”


  “I’m just telling you to keep Davina from calling and threatening my staff or me. I’m not having it and will not accept any of her calls,” Faith said.

  “Good. I’m not sure why she’s here.”

  “Do you have security with you?” Faith asked concerned.

  “Yes. Yes of course. Munns is here and a few others. Fran left you information?”

  “As her attorney, I can’t answer that, we’re searching for her, so don’t give up. As soon as I find something that I can share with you I will,” Faith said.

  “You think she’s hiding? Hiding from me? Does she think I had anything to do with Gasper and Huno’s death? I swear I had nothing to do with that,” he said.

  “Who do you think did?” Faith asked.

  “You think I haven’t asked myself that question over and over? I have and can’t think of anyone.”

  “Who knew you and Francesca were meeting up later? Someone intercepted her before she reached the jetport,” Faith said.

  “My office knew I would be out of town on a weekend break, but they didn’t have the location or know I was meeting Fran.”

Someone knew.”

  He didn’t say anything for several seconds. “You’re right, someone knew, and I think I know who.” He disconnected.

  Faith looked at Drake. “I still don’t think he had anything to do with this.”

  “Neither do I. But I’m not willing to risk your client on my feelings. We need facts,” Drake said.


  The next day, just after sunrise, Faith received a call from Audrey. When she saw the caller ID, Faith groaned and debated whether to answer. Last night, while sitting with Francesca, she and Drake reviewed the contracts, and except for one thing, it looked good. She had sent Audrey the contract via email with the correction and was sure that was the reason for this call.

  When it stopped ringing, Faith turned over and burrowed into Drake’s warmth. After his caveman declaration yesterday, “mine,” it seemed as if things flowed easier between them. She spent most of yesterday afternoon in the basement playing on his video games, most of which had to do with hitting the right target. It had been fun and illuminating. Drake was an excellent shot. He showed her a part of his gun collection and boots. Her man was a real believer in a period of time when a man said what he meant and meant what he said. Discussions were taken care of quickly and often with force or weapons. “Whoever has the best toys, wins,” he told her, and she believed him. Those tunnels still blew her mind. No wonder Asher could say confidently no one would find Francesca.

  The phone rang again.

  “Might as well answer it, they’ll keep calling until you do,” Drake murmured.

  “It’s Audrey. She probably wants to make arrangements to sign the contract and get it off.”

  “We can head into Denver, stay in a suite or rent a conference room for her to sign the papers and then overnight them. That way they’d arrive on time.”

  The phone stopped ringing.

  Faith turned onto her back. “I know you’re right and this is my fault. I should’ve handled this last week, but I don’t want to go to Denver.” When had she started thinking like that? She couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t done everything within her power to work with her clients. Maybe this disaster with Francesca was getting to her. This was not how she envisioned running her firm.