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Drake (Men of Versteck Valley Book 3) Page 24

  “Whatever you want to do, I’ll support you,” he said.

  “Would you drop everything if it was your client?” she asked over her shoulder.

  “Depends on the client and what I was doing,” he said.

  She snorted and burrowed beneath the covers. “If we go to Denver and I’m not sure we should, how would you set it up?”

  “I’d tell Asher now so he could send a few men ahead of us to scan the room, get in position for security, and be ready for our arrival. Then we’d take the helicopter and have the team pick us up at the jetport to take us to the meeting. We fly back when we’re done or drive, either way, it’s fine with me.”

  “You make it sound so simple,” she grumbled.

  He chuckled. “It can be. Like I said it’s up to you.”

  Faith thought it over. She would fall on her sword and meet Audrey. It wasn’t her client’s fault that the world was falling around Faith. As usual, Audrey had done her part by giving Faith plenty of time to handle the contract. This time Faith had dropped the ball.

  “Have Asher set it up. I’ll hold off talking to her until I hear from him.” She slid out of bed and went to the bathroom. When she returned, Drake lay in bed, slightly elevated, watching the news. Distracted by his naked, muscular chest, Faith didn’t hear the announcer.

  “Well, that was fast,” Drake murmured.

  Faith glanced up at the television. Davina moved quickly to avoid the cameras and disappeared inside the gate of a large house. “What happened?”

  “Davina announced she’s filing for divorce.” Drake looked at Faith.

  Her brows rose as she stared at the monitor. “Bet that wasn’t her idea.”

  “Probably allowing her to do it to save face.”

  Faith crawled back into bed.

  Drake’s phone rang. “She’s right here. No, she hasn’t set anything up, she’s waiting for you to give the go-ahead.” Their gazes met. “One O’clock?”

  Faith nodded.

  “Alright, we’ll leave from the helipad a quarter after. Will that be enough time?” He paused. “Okay, we’ll fly out at noon. Thanks much appreciated.” He hung up and placed his hand on her thigh. “Next time she calls, you can answer,” he teased and kissed her cheek.

  “Dealing with pushy clients is why we were in a locked room for two hours last night. I’ve got to re-think a few things.” She turned to face him.

  “Yeah? Like what?” He stroked her thigh while watching her.

  “I should’ve asked Francesca more questions. I was so grateful when she hired me and sent me other clients, either I overlooked a few basics, or I ignored the fact I didn’t fully understand what she wanted. I think my inexperience is why she hired me.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t want to work like this. This isn’t the type of law firm I dreamed of owning.”


  “No,” she said thinking it through. “My brother was in the hospital. We were attacked on the road in broad daylight. I’ve had to live with round the clock security, my daddy too…” She shook her head. “All of this for one client. The moment she told me he was a Senator I should’ve backed away.” She pointed to the muted television screen where someone discussed the weather. “Look what’s happened. I forgot to review a client’s contract. Davina’s life is messed up. The Senator’s career is over. My client’s in a coma… too many casualties. You’re the best thing that came out of all of this.”

  His lips curved in a pleased smile making him appear adorably devious. “I aim to please, Counselor.”

  She pouted. “Stop calling me that.” There were times she appreciated his nickname for her but not when she was saying sweet, romantic stuff.

  He laughed and pulled her on top of him. Looking down she stared into his eyes. “What do you want me to call you?” he asked.

  “My name works just fine,” she said easing toward his mouth. His lips begged to be kissed.

  Her phone rang.

  Faith cursed.

  Drake chuckled and handed her the phone.

  “Hello?” She meant to sound grumpy and didn’t bother hiding it.

  “Faith? Did I wake you? It’s 10:30, you’re normally at the office by now,” Audrey said sounding alert.

  “I’m out of town, mountain time zone it’s 7:30.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Did you want me to call back later?” Faith could tell Audrey didn’t mean it and only asked because it was the polite thing to offer. Tempted to say, “yes call me later,” Faith sat up. “No. You got the contract I sent?”

  “Yes, I went over them this morning. Thanks for catching that blip, I appreciate it. You want me to sign it?”

  Technically, she could but a part of making sure everything was done correctly, especially for something of this magnitude, Faith should be there to witness, answer any last-minute questions, and get it out the door.

  “I can meet you in Denver later today at the Culligan Hotel around one if you can make it. Otherwise, you can sign it later this week when I’m back in my office.”

  “You’re in Denver? The mile-high city?” Audrey teased. “If I can’t get a flight out there today, I’ll shoot for tomorrow so it can be overnighted to reach the office by the deadline,” Audrey said.

  “No. I won’t be here tomorrow. We’ll meet in my office later this week if not today.” Faith bit her lip to keep from apologizing, but Asher had already mobilized his men.

  “That’s pushing the line,” Audrey said, sounding a lot less happy. “I’ll call you back and let you know if I can make it or not.” She disconnected.

  Faith shrugged. She definitely needed to rethink her client list and the direction she wanted to take her firm. “She’s checking to see if she can get a flight. Audrey’s loaded. She’ll charter a plane if she wants this done today.”


  Dressed comfortably in a pair of fitted jeans and a black colorful print oversized sweater with black heels, Faith entered the posh lobby of the Culligan Hotel. Drake was similarly dressed in jeans, a sweater that covered his holstered weapons and cowboy boots. He had debated for several minutes on wearing his cowboy hat inside or leaving it in the car. In the end, he left it behind but kept running his hand through his hair as if it was there.

  Early by 15 minutes, they moved in the direction of the conference rooms and were met by an older white gentleman wearing a welcoming smile.

  “Drake, it’s good to see you again. We got the call and reserved the board room for you and your client.” He looked at Faith before returning his gaze to Drake. “Will you need anything else?”

  “Ulysses, this is Faith. Faith, Ulysses. He’s the assistant manager here.”

  “Nice to meet you,” she murmured taking in the superbly decorated area leading to the conference rooms. She had never heard of this hotel but doubted she would forget it. Everything was a cut above, like a palace.

  Drake placed his hand at her back. “This way.” They walked toward the conference room in silence. When they entered, she was impressed with the long, dark, gleaming, mahogany table, heavy throne-like leather chairs, wall monitors, coffee and refreshment area, a bank with phones and other devices.

  When he closed the door, she looked at him. “You close deals here a lot?”

  “Yes, when I worked for the other firm, this is a convenient location, and they’re very discreet,” he said.

  She pulled out the contracts and placed them on the table. Tabs had been placed on the pages where Audrey needed to sign. She glanced at her phone, five until one. Audrey should be there soon.

  Faith sat down while Drake stood near the door and leaned against the wall looking at his monitor. Asher’s men were monitoring the room. She heard the click of Audrey’s determined heels as they approached the door and stepped inside.

  Smiling, looking radiant in snug fitting jeans and a green sweater that made her eyes appear like emeralds, Audrey walked toward the table. “Thanks so much for doing this for me. I’m a pest I k
now, but I needed to get this done.”

  Faith waved down her weak apology. “No problem, just glad we’re able to get it taken care of.” She pushed the contract toward Audrey. “Go ahead and sign.”

  Audrey flipped through each page and signed or initialed at the appropriate spot. When she was done, she stood smiling. “All done.” Faith finished processing the contract, placed it in an overnight envelope and slid it into her bag.

  “I’ll get this off today, should arrive on time,” Faith said, glad to be done with it.

  “You’re the best.” Audrey turned, saw Drake and stopped. “Who the hell are you?”

  “Drake, I work with Faith.” He never extended his hand or moved to greet her.

  “I didn’t know you hired more people. First Zelda’s not answering the phones at the office, now you’ve hired a hunk attorney,” Audrey said.

  “Yeah,” Faith said without explaining anything as she headed toward the door.

  Audrey glanced down at her and frowned. “Sorry. Not my business. I crossed a line.”

  Faith shrugged and opened the door, so Audrey could step out first. Faith looked behind her at Drake and yelped as someone slammed into her. She hit Audrey, knocked her to the ground and hit the floor.

  “Ow,” Audrey said sounding groggy. Faith watched Drake fight a tall, blond muscle headed guy. In the distance, she heard feet running toward them.

  “My nose is bleeding,” Audrey whined.

  Faith ignored her and moved closer to make sure Drake didn’t get hurt. The punch to Drake’s gut made her rethink her concerns. The guy fighting Drake was good, and it looked as if he was getting the best of him. Security crowded around them, trying to break up the fight.

  “Faith?” Audrey said standing slowly.

  Faith turned to look at Audrey and missed Drake land a punch that sounded as if he broke his opponent’s nose. Blood spurted everywhere. The fight had turned. Drake was punching the guy in the face.

  “Stop Drake,” Faith said, concerned he would kill the dude. A whipping was one thing, murder wasn’t.

  Drake held the guy by his shirt and stared down at the limp form for a few moments. He took several deep breaths, and Faith prayed he didn’t take it any further. Maybe they could question the guy and get answers. What if this guy was the one who hurt Francesca and killed her guards? The Senator could help make sure they got answers.

  He dropped the guy.

  Hotel security went to work asking questions and offering Drake first aid. Faith moved toward him and gently touched the cuts on his face. “How bad does it hurt?” she whispered.

  “Bad. We may need to get a room upstairs for a few hours before heading out,” he said softly next to her ear.

  “Faith? My nose is bleeding, can you go with me to the restroom?” Audrey said.

  “Only if you take my gun. Someone could jump both of you in there,” he said, easing it out of his holster and slipping the small pistol into her waistband. “Just remember what I told you last night, aim for the largest part.”

  “Drake, we were playing video games,” she whispered hotly, hoping no one paid them any attention.

  “Either you take this with you, or you don’t go.”

  She met his gaze and nodded. “Tell me what to do again.”

  He repeated the instructions and brushed his lips against hers. “What happened to her anyway?”

  “That guy slammed into me, I fell back into her, and we both fell.”

  He looked around. “Is she here by herself? Where’s her security team? Didn’t you say she had one?”

  Faith thought about it and looked around. “Harold’s in jail, she probably got rid of them. I don’t know who they are, never met them.”

  He waved one of the men over. “Follow her, they’re heading to the restroom. It’s not far.”

  “Have someone look at that bruise on your face,” Faith whispered as she moved toward Audrey who stood a short distance away with a bloody tissue on her nose and drops of blood on her blouse. Make-up smeared, she looked pitiful and near tears as Faith approached.

  “Come on,” Faith said moving slowly, her thoughts on Drake. He had taken some strong hits before he knocked that guy on his butt.

  “Where’s the bathroom?” Audrey asked.

  Faith looked around and saw the sign. “Over there.” They headed in the direction with Faith moving slower as she kept looking back at Drake. They were moving the guy from the floor. “Hey, the paramedics should be here in a minute. Let them look you over.”

  She looked at Audrey whose hand was on the bathroom door. “Not like this. I want to see how bad it is first.” She entered the bathroom.

  Faith looked at the security guard and shook her head. “Divas.”

  He smiled but didn’t say anything.

  Faith stepped into the bathroom. The moment she did something hit her hard in her stomach knocking her back against the door. Dots floated in front of her eyes as she struggled to breathe. The next hit was a foot in the belly.

  Her head hit the door as she slid down to the floor.

  A click sounded like cymbals in her ears.

  “Now you’re going to get up and step away from that door. I don’t want to kill you, but I will.”

  Faith tried to make sense of what she was hearing but couldn’t focus. Her ears were ringing. Her chest burned. It hurt to breathe.

  “Did you hear me, Faith? I said move.”

  “Audrey?” Faith said in disbelief.

  “I’ve got her, we’re in the bathroom. One guard out front, move now.” Audrey slipped the phone into her pocket and held the pistol with both hands.

  “What?” Faith fought to breathe. “What’s going on?”

  “Francesca left you information which could be damaging to someone. Since he can’t get the information, he wants you terminated to make sure whatever she left is never seen. Now get up.”

  “Wait…” Faith held up her hand. “You? What do you have to do with this? She’s your friend.” Faith tried desperately to think. Drake would be there soon, she had to believe that.

  “We don’t have friends, Faith. If you don’t stand, I’ll shoot you here and leave you for your boy toy to find. If you don’t want that, get up,” Audrey said.

  There was a knock at the door. “Faith?” Drake called.

  “Audrey’s got a gun,” Faith yelled and rolled to the side out of the way just as the door slammed open.

  A gun went off.

  Faith screamed, pulled out her gun and aimed.

  Audrey screamed and went to her knees holding her arm.

  Drake and two others entered the bathroom. He knelt next to Faith. “Are you alright?” he checked her over.

  “She hit me when I came inside earlier, the bullet didn’t hit me,” Faith said, shaking, still unable to believe Audrey threatened to kill her.

  “It went into the door,” Drake said. He stood and looked down at Audrey.

  “Someone wants me dead because of Francesca. Audrey’s involved and called someone, she’s not alone,” Faith said, growing angry as the adrenaline ebbed. Drake helped her stand and gave her another once over.

  Faith stared at Audrey for several moments, thinking of how well the woman had played her and shook her head in disgust. It was past time to rethink her client list and business plan.

  “The police are here and will take her downtown. There’s someone who wants to talk to her,” Drake said.

  Audrey glared at him and turned her face away.


  Drake leaned against the wall, Faith stood slightly behind him as Senator Bloom, Munns, and Asher entered the observation room. With the Senator’s interference, the police department allowed them to observe Audrey’s questioning. Still beautiful even with the bruises on her face, she sat still, staring straight ahead, ignoring the two detectives seated in front of her.

  “Who is she?” Bloom asked in a low voice staring at Audrey through the glass.

  “Audrey Gaines,
not sure who she works for. She used her Mistress status to learn information and to meet people. But she’s not a hired gun. She’s bait, or someone who gathers information or stands outside as a lookout. Still carries a sentence but she wouldn’t have been the one who killed the guards.” Asher paused. “Since Francesca introduced her to Faith, it seems she was hired to watch Francesca years ago,” Asher said.

  Although Faith had heard it before, she still couldn’t believe it. She had been totally duped.

  “She knew my Fran? She was involved with this?” the Senator asked, his tone hard.

  “They’re going to ask her but don’t expect answers,” Munns said. “There’s no reason for her to admit to being involved with any murders. They’ll need to find evidence linking her to the crime.”

  The detectives stood and left the room. Moments later, Audrey was escorted out in chains.

  “She may not talk but her partner, Scott, had a few things to say, off the record of course,” Asher said looking at his tablet. “He admitted to being involved with the abduction of Francesca. It’s possible Audrey used their friendship to stop Francesca for a chat giving Scott and the others an opportunity to shoot darts or something along that line to incapacitate them. Audrey may not have pulled the trigger, but she’s just as guilty I’m thinking. Scott didn’t have a name for the client, which rings true, but he said Audrey knew her.”

  “Her? A woman?” Bloom asked frowning as he sat on the edge of the table.

  “I assumed you checked Davina’s phone records?” Asher asked Munns.

  “Yes. We can check again to see if there’s anything that links her to this woman,” Munns said typing on his tablet.

  “Have them check Edward Kipling’s phone,” Asher said.

  “Why him?” the Senator looked surprised.

  “Everything your wife does or did was for her father, or rather for his approval. He started gambling again, lost quite a bit of money, took a while to track it down.” Asher showed the Senator one of the photos Francesca left for Faith. “See this man here?”