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Drake (Men of Versteck Valley Book 3) Page 7

  “Is that your gut talking?” Drake asked.

  Asher shook his head. “Not at all. I think she’s in a world of trouble somewhere and needs help fast.”

  Drake trusted Asher’s hunches. “Let’s call Gavin and give it to him straight. The next move is his.”

  Asher nodded, stood and locked the door before returning to his seat. “Call him.”

  Drake was put through within moments after talking to Gavin’s efficient Administrator.

  “You’ve got something?” Gavin asked instead of offering a greeting.

  “Yes,” Drake said. He told Gavin about the trip, what they found, and the current results.

  “Senator Bloom? THE Senator Bloom? Are you sure?” Gavin asked after a brief silence.

  “Yes,” Asher said and explained in more detail the secure phone lines with data that went back ten years. “I didn’t see anything beyond 10 because that information has either been purged or is in a different archive. I’m leaning toward the latter.”

  “More than 10 years? Hell, that’s…that’s unbelievable in this day and time. How did they keep it hidden? I mean he ran for public office. His opponents would’ve scoured his past with a fine-toothed comb.”

  “Once he won, he didn’t need to campaign again. Incumbents are hard to replace, plus he’s got a good reputation for being fair, competent, and gets things done for the people in his state,” Drake said remembering information he’d read on the man a few years back.

  “Good point,” Gavin said and paused. “The Senator’s missing too?”

  “He’s out of town,” Asher corrected. “Although, you or Theo could probably find out a lot quicker than anyone where he’s gone.”

  “Hmm, you’re probably right. I shouldn’t be surprised, especially after what I’ve seen men and women with money and power do, but I am. Never pegged him for being interested in a black woman, let alone for over a decade.”

  Asher looked at Drake with a raised brow. “Maybe he doesn’t see her as a Black woman. Maybe he just sees and loves her as his woman,” Asher said.

  Drake nodded.

  People needed to get over the whole race thing and realize the heart loved who it loved. Laura, her mom, and sisters, were Black, and he considered them family. Asher’s future wife and Taylor, Moses woman, were Black, too. Drake doubted any of them considered race or nationalities before falling in love.

  “You sound like Theo,” Gavin said. “I’ve seen men who wanted the Black experience and cared nothing for the people they used. Others are like you say, Asher. The pendulum swings both ways.”

  “Being with someone over 10 years says it’s not the experience they’re after,” Drake said. “For a man to remain with the same woman over a decade, especially if she’s not his wife, says he cares a lot for her. He has too much to lose for it to be otherwise.”

  “True. Very true,” Gavin agreed. “I’ll have Mable, Theo’s Executive Assistant make that call. She’ll find out if the man’s on vacation or Senate business. I hope the two of them are somewhere basking in the sunshine on a deserted beach.”

  Asher looked at Drake.

  Drake shrugged. Gavin was the client, it was on him to interpret the information any way he chose.

  “The report and video you sent a few minutes ago arrived. I’ll look them over later, I appreciate you giving me a personal update. Now, I have to contact my friend, tell her what I’ve learned and hope she’s satisfied.” He paused. “Asher, do you have security personnel in Lynchburg, Virginia?”

  “I can have security personnel anywhere in the world,” Asher answered.

  “If she’s stubborn and insists on looking into this, I’ll want two men watching her around the clock whether she likes it or not. She doesn’t understand the lengths people will go to at Bloom’s level. If certain people want him to run the Senate, they’ll eliminate anyone standing in their way, including a Mistress and her attorney.”

  Drake silently agreed.

  “Just let me know,” Asher said.

  “Go ahead and send your people. I’m going to do that no matter what she decides. Once she learns his name, she’s compromised. I won’t take a chance with her safety,” Gavin said. “I’m paying for this personally and will set up a retainer.”

  “Alright,” Asher said looking at his monitor.



  “I may need your help with this,” Gavin said. “I know Laura’s expanding, and I promise to make it up to her. I’ll send a couple clients her way, hell, she can handle my portfolio if she allows you to step in and help on this. Faith is leery of people, she’s got every reason to be after what she’s been through. You’ve worked for a large firm and understand they aren’t always fair.”

  Drake knew that first hand. The best performers or hardest workers didn’t always get promoted. Large law firms were political in their own right. “True. What do you need?”

  “I’m preparing for the worst, which in this case would be Faith’s client goes missing. Dead would be worst, but I’m not going there.” He took a deep breath. “If Francesca is missing and it seems she is, Faith has instructions to carry out several things. Do you understand?”

  Drake frowned. “Instructions? From who?”

  “Francesca. Her client. Faith has worked hard, tooth and nail to be independent and build her company. There are a lot of people depending on her, and she won’t let it fail no matter what’s at risk.”

  “You’re saying she’ll get involved and may cross the Senator or his supporters?” Drake understood Gavin’s concerns.

  “Faith believes in the letter of the law. She knows there are gray areas but believes justice prevails. She’s got no experience against men who twist the law legally, and get away with injustice. I love her all the more for her innocence, something I lost a long time ago. There’s not a doubt in my mind they’ll come after her because of the information Francesca left for her.”

  “Information? What information?” Drake said sitting forward. “You said she left instructions, not information. That could get her killed,” he said.

  “I know. That’s why I’m going to talk her into allowing you to work with her on this case,” Gavin said.

  “What?” Drake jerked back, shocked. “She won’t do that.” He wouldn’t do it if it was him and he was building his company. It might send the wrong message to clients.

  “She won’t want to do it and will argue upfront, but in the end, she’ll agree.” Gavin sounded grimly confident.

  “Why?” Drake asked, curious.

  “Because whatever Francesca left for Faith is explosive and people will run for cover initially, then they’ll come gunning for her. She’s smart and will recognize that. I’ll make sure she understands the necessity of having someone trustworthy at her back. I’ll vouch for you, she’s going to need that in order to trust you,” Gavin said.

  “Thanks,” Drake said dryly. He’d forgotten Faith didn’t like or trust attorneys.

  “No problem. Whew, this isn’t how I planned to start my day but the sooner Mable finds out where Bloom is, the better. Asher, I just sent your payment for the first invoice and a $150,000 retainer. Let me know when to send more.”

  “Will do. I’m sending two men to Lynchburg in two hours, they’re refueling the plane now. Give me the word when they should go in and introduce themselves to her,” Asher said.

  “What I’d prefer is that they remain in the background after they meet her. She’s going to balk, but that’s okay. Once she opens the information on Francesca, I want you to be ready to fly in to assist, Drake,” Gavin said.

  Drake looked at his schedule on his phone. He had a couple meetings scheduled this week he couldn’t change. “When do you think that’ll be?”

  “Not sure. I sent Mable the request to make the call and will hear from her soon. I want to tell Faith everything at once to set the groundwork for what I plan to do,” Gavin said.

  “She’s not going to li
ke it,” Drake said because he wouldn’t like it if it was him. Laura would kick Gavin in his balls for being so high-handed.

  “I know, and I’m not looking forward to the argument we’ll have over this. But I know and understand what she’s up against, she doesn’t. The political climate right now won’t be kind to a high ranking Senator’s Mistress which could be the reason Francesca is missing. Once it comes out she left a safe deposit box with an attorney, this case isn’t business as usual,” Gavin said.

  Drake agreed. “No, it isn’t.”

  “I don’t want her to lose her company behind this, and that’s where they’ll hit first, that or her family. You know it, and I know it. She won’t believe me until she gets hit hard. I don’t want her blindsided.” Gavin released a long sigh. “If she’s still speaking to me, Theo and I will help her rebuild but this storm she feels honor-bound to enter will hit her hard.”

  “And you want me in the storm with her?” Drake asked dryly.

  No one spoke for a few moments. “Other than Theo, you’re the only person I trust with her. She’s like a sister to me,” Gavin said softly with emotion. “I know you won’t let anything happen to her. You’ll watch over her the same way I would. Also, I know Moses and Asher won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Asher spoke in a tight voice. “He’s right. Nothing happens to you, period. We’ve got your back at all times.”

  Unsure if he could speak through his tight throat, Drake nodded. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. I’ll do my best to keep her safe and help her wade through this nightmare.”

  “Can’t think of a better person for the job,” Gavin said. “Mabel says the Senator is out of the country at an undisclosed location. His wife is in Florida handling a fund-raiser for his re-election campaign.”

  “Chances are he’s with Francesca,” Asher said.

  “Then why isn’t she returning messages?” Drake asked.

  “Maybe she can’t?” Asher said.

  “She would answer them from Faith. Especially knowing what she’s asked Faith to do,” Gavin said.

  “You think she’s hurt or something?” Asher asked while looking at Drake.

  “Yes. My gut tells me something bad has happened to Francesca,” Gavin said in a defeated tone. “Faith feels the same way. I’m afraid she’ll hear what I have to say and access the information instead of waiting for whatever triggers are in place.”

  “That’s not necessarily bad,” Asher said. “The sooner the search starts for Francesca, the better.”

  “I know. It’ll also alert others that Francesca exists and the danger she could pose. I wanted to keep Faith out of that as long as possible,” Gavin said. “I’ll call her now, let her know what I’ve learned, and we’ll take it from there.”

  They disconnected. Asher looked at Drake and turned the monitor toward him.

  Drake leaned forward and read. “A background check on Faith Gardner?” He pulled it close and read everything.


  Faith sat in her office reviewing the latest licensing offer for Déesse Noire. The marketing company wanted to create Black Goddess dolls for the Christmas season to be sold in the restaurants and online. The excellent quality of their proposal spoke of high work ethics, plus being a female minority owned company would go a long way in their favor. Faith was sure Francesca would sign the contract.

  Worried, she closed her eyes. Where are you?

  Faith had stopped calling Francesca and leaving messages since she hadn’t received any responses. Instead, she offered another prayer that her soror was alright and would contact her if necessary.

  Her cell phone rang. She smiled at Gavin’s name and answered. He was a good friend who hadn’t changed as his fortunes and position propelled him up the ladder. “What’s cooking good looking?”

  “I’m not sure, you tell me,” he said sounding serious.

  Faith sat forward. “What happened? Did you learn anything? Something about Francesca?”

  “Yes. I told you I’d call once I learned something. Are you sitting down?” he asked.

  Fear skittered along her back, and she shook it off. “Yes. What’d you find out?”

  “Do you want to know the name of Francesca’s lover? Think hard about your answer. Once you know, you can’t unknow it.”

  “Does he have anything to do with her not answering her phone or contacting me?” Faith hedged and bit down on her lower lip.

  “Possibly. He’s out of the country at the moment.”

  Her eyes widened. “How do you know that?”

  “I had Mabel, Theo’s Assistant call and find out.”

  “You told Mabel?”

  “No. Of course not. I don’t have to explain why I want information to get it,” he said.

  “Right. Sorry.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t want to know who he is. Not yet. Tell me what else you learned.”

  “They’ve been in a relationship at least 10 years, the records didn’t go further, but we suspect much longer,” he said.

  Almost 19, she thought but remained silent.

  “He’s married, his wife is in Florida right now.”

  Faith’s brow rose, she hadn’t known that.

  “Most of what I’ve learned is about the two of them. I can’t really tell you much more.” He sounded frustrated.

  “Thanks, for everything you’ve done so far, I really appreciate it. I know how busy you are,” she said, her thoughts returning to the green satchel and what to do about Francesca’s disappearance. “Wait. What kind of car was in her garage?”

  “One second.” He paused. “BMW convertible and a Mercedes Sedan. Why?” he asked.

  “I rode with her in the Mercedes. That doesn’t mean much, she could’ve had a car pick her up. Did they check to see if that happened?”

  “Yes. No records from any local limo, taxi, or car services picking anyone up from that address,” he said. “It’s possible he picked her up, or she went out of town from another location.”

  She slumped into her seat and looked at the unopened mail that Zelda had placed on her desk. “You’re right. Who knows what she’s done or where she is? I still don’t know what to do.”

  Gavin remained silent, and she smiled. “Thanks for not being pushy, you know I hate that.”

  He groaned.

  Smiling she lifted an envelope from the top of her mail pile and opened it. “I owe you lunch or dinner. One day soon, I’m flying to Missouri and taking over your kitchen, again.”

  He chuckled. “Sure you are.”

  Faith read the letter and went cold. “Gavin?” she whispered.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve got a letter from Francesca, it’s the trigger telling me to open the green satchel and follow the instructions. She’s missing. Thank God she’s not dead….” Faith closed her eyes as her world spun and dots floated beneath her lids. “I knew something was wrong. I knew it. I told you, and I did nothing. What if…what if she’s someplace hurt or sick or dying? What if—”

  “Faith,” Gavin yelled. “Stop and think.”

  She blinked back tears and placed her fist to her trembling mouth while looking at the simple message. “I’m missing. Open the green satchel and follow the instructions.”

  “Take a deep breath and focus. Francesca chose you because she knew she could count on you to get the job done. Breathe in and out. Do it with me, Faith. Breathe in and out.”

  She took a deep breath and blew out her mouth a few times until she calmed. “Thank you,” she whispered, too grateful to be ashamed.

  “No problem. Take the letter and place it in your purse. Do not show it to anyone. When you go to the safety deposit box, place it there and leave it. Never have it with you, do you understand me?”

  Nodding, she frowned. “Alright.” She returned the lone slip of paper to the envelope and slid it into the zippered section of her purse.

  “You need to understand this. If you decide to carry out Fran
cesca’s wishes, your life will irrevocably change. The man she’s involved with is in a league similar to Theo, and it’s small, petty, and dangerous.”

  “What?” She leaned back stunned.

  “If you’ve never taken me seriously before, do so now. You know me. I don’t say stuff for kicks and giggles. When I say if you go forward with this, it’s going to cost you, I mean it.”

  Her brow furrowed deeply. “What else can I do? She hired me. Who else will help her? I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

  “Faith you’ve never practiced criminal law or anything remotely close to this. I’m just warning you upfront before the shit hits the fan. Remember, I know who her lover is, and you don’t,” he said ominously.

  Chill bumps raced across her skin. What had she done? Francesca was her soror, her big sister, the woman sent her clients and helped grow her business. How could she turn her back on her now?

  “Who is he?” she whispered. Fear clutched her throat, warning her not to hear the name. Telling her, she’d be better off not knowing. Straightening in her chair, she clutched the arm of the chair and waited.

  “Senator Jason Bloom.”

  Faith gasped.

  Gavin continued. “He’s being groomed by outside forces to lead the Senate, possibly the Presidency in a few years. He’s been in the Senate for three terms, is in his mid-50’s and very popular in his state. No one’s ever run against him. Already he heads a powerful committee.”

  She had seen the man on television lately. He gave a passionate speech regarding helping the elderly and young people. Even though he wasn’t in her party, she had agreed with what he had to say.


  She cleared her throat. “I…I knew it was a Senator.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes, she didn’t give me his name, just his title.”

  “And you accepted her as a client anyway?”

  The shock in his voice unnerved her. At the time she didn’t think there would be any problems. Correction, when she saw the satchels, she thought there might be problems in the future but didn’t dwell on them. “Yes.”